sasadmin's posts

Introduction to the Role of Organizational Change in Aviation

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July 07, 2023


Steve Bentley FRAeS CEO of Sofema ( considers a number of challenges which will be faced by Aviation over the next decade. Introduction to Organizational Change The industry involves many stakeholders, including airlines, airports, air traffic control, and regulatory bodies. Each of these stakeholders has their interests and priorities, and implementing organisational change that benefits…

Delegates from Collins Aerospace India completed the EASA Part 145 – Regulation EU 1321/2014 training

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EASA Part 145

July 06, 2023


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) is pleased to share that the EASA Part 145 – Regulation EU 1321/2014 training was successfully completed by 25 delegates from Collins Aerospace India. The course was carried out as a webinar by the experienced SAS instructor Shakil Siddiqui on 01-03 June 2023. What was the training about? This course aims…

UAE CAR M Introduction – HF & SMS (Initial) – Master the aviation safety with the new SOL course – Enroll now

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July 06, 2023


We are delighted to share that Sofema Online has launched a new course:     UAE CAR M Introduction – HF & SMS (Initial) Start learning online About the training: This newly developed course was designed to ensure the delegates cover any aspect related to demonstrating compliance with GM2 S-1.CAMO.305(g) and SMS & Human Factor Training…

Selecting the Appropriate Aviation Change Management Model/Framework for Different Situations

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July 05, 2023


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) takes a deep dive into effective change management models and considers the most appropriate for different scenarios Introduction Selecting the appropriate aviation change management model/framework for different situations requires understanding the specific challenges and needs of each scenario. The aviation industry is complex, with various stakeholders, regulations, and safety requirements. Selecting the…