March 03, 2011

Steven Bentley

Currently some 80% of aircraft accidents are attributable to human error, this is a situation which is recognised as rectifiable through the process of raising awareness, implementation of effective process and procedure and effective communication within the workplace.

The importance of Human Factors to flight safety was officially recognized by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in 1986. The UK CAA and several other countries regulatory authorities piloted Human Factors training for maintenance staff back in the 1990’s, early indications are that it does indeed act as the catalyst for behavioral change within the workplace, and delivered correctly can deliver real and meaningful results.

An organisation with a good safety culture is one which identifies safety as a fundamental value of the organisation, with personnel at every level in the organisation sharing a commitment to safety. Of paramount importance is support from the top levels of the organisation, including the Accountable Manager. The translates to developing real and effective Quality and Safety Systems within the organisation. Human Factors Training plays a major role in the delivery of the Quality and Safety Product within the organisation.

Human Factors training is the process whereby the employee is made aware of the critical nature of many of the human attributes we possess and the effect they can have in the work place. In addition specific ways of dealing with these behavioral issues are discussed and considered usually through group discussion.

EASA mandated the implementation of the requirement for human factors training back in 2006 ref EASA PT 145.A.30. Human factors training is mandatory for specific groups of staff employed in the production, logistic, planning, technical and quality areas of the organisation.

The training is required to be delivered initially over 2 days and subsequently at two year intervals for 1 day.

Sofema Aviation Services are offering a 2 day initial and 1 day recurrent Human Factors course.

For more information please visit

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Human Factors, ICAO, Regulatory training, Quality and Safety Systems