January 28, 2021


Introduction – How to stand out with an Effective Elevator Pitch

You have just bumped into an acquaintance at the railway station who has a senior position in a company you are interested in. He asks what you are currently doing.

Where to start! (Your head fills with thoughts – but you need to be diplomatic)

The problem evaporates because as you organize your thoughts, his train is called, and he’s gone.

Frustrated, you feel you missed your chance.

An elevator pitch is a short, pre-prepared speech that explains what you currently offer clearly and succinctly.

You could use it to sell yourself and to share what you have to offer!

Never right first time!

You will go through multiple versions before finding one that sounds natural and at the same time it is compelling.

Elevator Pitch Steps to Success 

  • Think about the objective of your pitch.
  • Focus on your career expectations in an engaging and interesting way.
  • Identify the problems that you solve (You are selling yourself – Don’t be Shy – But do not be pushy either).
  • What do you want the audience to remember about you!
  • The pitch should be exciting and make you smile as you share it (People will not remember everything that you say, but for sure they will remember your enthusiasm).

How to Communicate your Elevator Pitch?

  • Your elevator pitch also needs to communicate you and your unique selling proposition (USP) – What makes you special?
  • Be able to deliver it naturally in as short a period of time as possible (but not rushed).
  • Be able to engage with your audience by asking “open” questions.
  • Be able to answer and ask questions.

So are you ready?

When you think you’re good to “go” – Read it aloud and time it!

Note: a carefully crafted Elevator Pitch should be no more than 20-30 seconds or you can lose the person or person’s interest.

Remove anything that does not need to be there.

Practice Makes Perfect!

Not to sound “woody or “dry”, in fact how you speak is just as important as what you have to say and without practice, you will spoil it probably by talking too fast or worse – forget some of the essential content.

Final Note: Always have business cards with your essential information – seconds count so do everything you can to effectively leverage your opportunity.

Next Steps

Build Competence with SofemaOnline – Aviation Leadership Diploma > https://sofemaonline.com/lms/courses/268-aviation-leadership-and-management-skills-development-diploma/preview

Sofema Aviation Services provides specific support related to Aviation Leadership Development & Training – please see www.sassofia.com , www.sofemaonline.com or email team@sassofia.com

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Online Training, Aviation Leadership, Leadership skills, Elevator Pitch, Practice Makes Perfect, Steps to success, Leadership Qualities, Short Presentation, Sell yourself, Presentation skills