August 13, 2014

Steven Bentley

The goal of our Safety Performance Indicators is to provide an indication of the ability of the organisation to identify exposures which can lead to increased risk and the possibility of incidents and accidents.

Elements which may be developed into performance Metrics include the following:

a) Commitment is evidenced by the Management concern, Personal Concern and the willingness to invest in Safety including training.
b) How do people behave within the organisation, are people satisfied with the jobs how is this evidenced, is there genuine management encouragement to the needs of the employee, especially true where this is related to competence.
c) Information Flow and Communication Process is evidenced by effective communication of safety related information, the effectiveness of safety training throughout the organisation at all levels.
d) The willingness to report, the effective processing of reports and the visible consequence of actions following a report.
e) A Just System is evidenced by the process of evaluating unsafe behaviour, paying particular attention to the workers perception of the evaluation process and the effective communication and management of responsibility.
f) Safety Awareness is evidenced by specific awareness of job induced risks, the general attention to safety and the attitude towards potential hazards known and unknown. The specific performance of the Safety Culture in particular how it is perceived by the employees as may be developed into an indication of the progress which is being made over time.
g) How adaptable is the organisation to the needs of the Safety Management System, How does it respond in the aftermath of an incident or accident and how proactive is the organisation in understanding and developing preventative measures, Does the system have the capacity to welcome employee input.

The most important Characteristics of any system used to measure the effectiveness of a Safety Management System is that it is a genuine, quantifiable and representative.

Also of great importance is the ease of understanding by the management regarding the status of the SMS performance, as Stakeholders responsible for the effectiveness of the SMS within their particular business areas this becomes a highly relevant requirement.

An SMS is data driven so the more data we have within the system the better able we will be to reduce the variability of the metrics which we develop to measure the performance of our SMS. We should resist the temptation to implement aggregate indicators as this may obscure the true picture conversely we must make sure we can retain focus as well as visibility in respect of our chosen indicators.As our Safety Management System is a performance based system any measurement system will have a degree of subjectivity, which may provide undesired variance between different stakeholders. Steps should be taken to provide balance wherever possible.

Sofema Aviation Services provides specific SMS training across the organisation from implementation to delivering practical risk based workshops.

For details please see or email

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Regulatory training, Safety Management System, Aviation Safety, aviation services, Indicators