July 29, 2011


EWIS Training for staff in groups 1 and 2, support to develop in-house training for EWIS Electrical Wiring Interconnect Systems.

Sofema Aviation Services is pleased to announce the launch of a unique 3 day training to satisfy the requirement of Group 1 and Group 2. Unique because it is part of the train the trainer program and the organisation can receive the right to use the material for its own training purposes.

EASA issued AMC20-22 back in August 2008 which details the training needs for a variety of different groups including Maintenance Staff required to inspect or work on EWIS electrical wiring interconnect systems.


The origins of the requirement for EWIS Training go back to a number of  incidents which have had a catastrophic effect on the industry with instances of in-flight smoke and fire events in which  contaminants were ignited by electrical faults which allowed a  fire to be sustained and spread.

TWA Flight 800 in 1996 and Swissair Flight 111 in September 1998 being primary examples. It became apparent that there was an industry shortfall which needed to be corrected with EWIS training, across several different areas of the Operation but predominantly within the Maintenance and Design organisations.

Considerable research was conducted by The FAA and the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)  together with the European Stake holders. The outcomes were conclusive and determined the specific need for EWIS Training.

Electrical Wiring Interconnect System EWIS Training was issued as an EASA requirement in the summer of 2008. There is much confusion across industry as to the requirements to comply with the need for training EWIS within the Part 145 and Part M environment. AMC 20-22 makes It very clear as to the requirements which are to be complied with to ensure the organisation remains in conformity with EASA regulatory requirements. Ultimately in accordance with the terms of the approval issued to Operators and MRO’s It is the Operators and Maintenance Organisation

Responsibility to comply with the requirements of  Electrical Wiring Interconnect Systems working practices and procedures including specifically EWIS training. Sofema Aviation Services is pleased to  offer a 3 Day in company Training to allow you to manage and deliver your own EWIS training to  ensure compliance with the requirements of AMC 20-22. please contact SAS at  office@sassofia.com

The Full EWIS Electric Wiring Interconnect System training is specifically targeted for Groups 1 and  2 and covers a detailed understanding of the specific requirements. Effective: 05/09/2008 Ref AMC  20-21 AMC 20-22 AMC 20-23 Annex III to ED Decision 2008/007/R of 29/08/2008DETAILED CONTENT

For additional details of how you can deliver your own EWIS training please contact office@sassofia.com

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