April 05, 2018

Steven Bentley


Availability of Procedures related to the management of CDCCL

CDCCLs are design features that have been identified as being critical to the integrity of the Fuel System and must be maintained in order to ensure that unsafe conditions do not develop throughout the service life of the aircraft and must be retained during modification, repair or maintenance.

7/ Airworthiness Documents Cross Reference

Review the following for incorporation within the AMP:

a. Mandatory life limitations

Mandatory replacement times for structural safe-life parts and mandatory inspection requirements for damage tolerant parts are included in the Airworthiness Limitations, required by the regulatory authorities as part of the Instructions for Continued Airworthiness, hence they are not part of the MSG-3 scope.

b. Certification Maintenance Requirements (CMR’s), (if applicable)

CMRs arise from the aircraft type certification process. FAR/CS 25.1309, for example, requires a System Safety Assessment (SSA) to ensure that failures are categorized on their consequential severity and within defined bounds of probability.

c. Airworthiness Directives (AD)

An Airworthiness Directive (AD) is a notification to Type Certificate Holders (TCH), Supplemental Type Certificate Holders (STCH) owners and operators of certified Aircraft, Engines or Components.

That a known safety related deficiency in respect of an aircraft, engine, or component has been found which must be corrected. Such correction may be based on compliance with an existing service bulletin (SB) or in accordance with explicit instructions contained within the AD.

d. Airworthiness Limitations

ALIs are structural items that the Certification process has defined as critical from a fatigue point of view during the Damage Tolerance assessment. (Essentially FAA)

Concerning EASA & ALS

Airbus ALS Part 1 – Safe life is applied to limit the maximum service life of a component, by testing and/or calculations using the known properties of the component’s materials. Safe Life – Safe Life Airworthiness Limitation Items ALS Part 1

Airbus ALS Part 2 – Fail Safe -Damage Tolerance Analysis – leading to Damage Tolerant Airworthiness Limitation Items ALI ALS Part 2

Airbus ALS Part 3 – System Safety Assessment (SSA) pre Design Service Goal (DSG) + Maintenance Steering Group 3 Analysis provides for Certification Maintenance Requirements (CMR) ALS Part 3

Airbus ALS Part 4 – And System Safety Assessment (SSA) post Design Service Goal (DSG) + Maintenance Steering Group 3 Analysis + System Life Limits provides for Aging System Maintenance ASM ALS Part 4

Airbus ALS Part 5 – Fuel Tank /System Analysis leading to Fuel Airworthiness Limitations ALS Part 5

Airbus ALS Part 6 – ALS Part 6 is a recent addition and concerns Aircraft Information System Security (AISS) -(What are the safety issues for aircraft)?

Safe and reliable aircraft (airframe systems) -Safe and reliable navigation – Takeoff, landing, in-route (airway) navigation. Collision avoidance, Position-Location. Safe and secure cockpit and cabin. Secure and reliable aircraft communications. Air-to-ground 2-way communications, Air-to- Air 2-way communications. Air Traffic Control radar transponder. Cockpit Voice Recorder. Flight Data Recorder.

What`s more :

a) Introducing a Cutting Edge, Effective & Affordable CAMO Software 
b) For access to a world leading CAMO Diploma Program with 25 separate courses please see the following links

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EASA Compliant Aircraft Maintenance Program, Review of Critical Items Part 3