April 07, 2021

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) www.sassofia.com Considers the Role & Value to the Business of Coaching and Mentoring

What are the Benefits of Coaching & Mentoring Programs related to both Individuals and Teams?

·         Improved performance and productivity

·         Employee development

·         Improved learning

·         Improved organisational relationships

What is the Difference between Coaching & Mentoring?

Coaching – Aims to produce optimal performance and improvement at work.

  • It focuses on specific skills and goals,
  • It may also have an impact on an individual’s personal attributes such as social interaction or confidence.

The process typically lasts for a defined period or forms the basis of an ongoing management style. (The development of a life skill)

Typical characteristics of coaching in organisations:

  • It’s essentially a non-directive form of development.
  • It focuses on improving performance and developing an individual.
  • Personal factors may be included but the emphasis is on performance at work.
  • Coaching activities have both organisational and individual goals.
  • It provides people with the opportunity to better assess their strengths as well as their development areas.
  • It’s a skilled activity, which should be delivered by people who are trained to do so. This can be line managers and others trained in coaching skills.

Coaching focuses on learning to enable application to the workplace.

Employees who undergo coaching become more responsible in finding their own solutions, having less dependency on their line manager.

Coaching principles promote a management style that can lead to a higher-performing culture.

Essentially coaching can become an enabler of cultural change within the Organisation.

Mentoring – In the workplace tends to describe a relationship in which a more experienced colleague shares their greater knowledge to support the development of an inexperienced member of staff.

  • It calls on the skills of questioning, listening, clarifying and reframing that are also associated with coaching.
  • Mentoring relationships tend to be longer-term than coaching arrangements.
  • Mentors often act as role models for their mentee and provide guidance to help them reach their goals.

An effective mentoring relationship is a learning opportunity for both parties, encouraging sharing and learning across generations and/or between roles.

Mentoring Benefits

  • By using the accrued experience of the mentor and making it available to a new person
  • Develops both the Mentor & Mentee’s understanding of the organisation and the way it works
  • Enables the Mentor to practice and enhance interpersonal skills
  • It provides personal satisfaction to both the Mentor & Mentee’s through supporting the development of others

Developing Coaching and Mentoring Programmes

Programs can be developed in house to achieve the following objectives:

  • Supporting the development of Positive Performance Management
  • Supporting people as part of Change Management Objectives
  • Engaging with Competence Building learning and development

Costs and investment in Mentoring & Coaching

To set up coaching and mentoring programmes will take time and money to achieve.

Consider the following:

  • Time to get people trained, manager not having sufficient time to coach, or time to give people to have structured coaching sessions.
  • Coaching takes more time than traditional directive approaches to getting things done.
  • The key difference is that in coaching and to some degree mentoring, learners are learning to do things differently and more permanently.
  • Learners go through a thinking process that embeds changes that can be repeated.

Many of our people have the basic skill set which can be developed to enable them to become effective workplace Mentors & Coaches typically Require the following:

  • Further training of skills, practices, processes and behaviours
  • Time away from the working environment immersed in a purposeful coaching programme
  • Coach development requires awareness and learning of deeper communication and relationship skills
  • The need to practice optimal coaching behaviours, with feedback and measurement processes

Note – The physical act of devoting time to someone will impact in a positive way upon their wider motivation and organisational engagement.

Final Comments

Viable Coaching and Mentoring programs can create many positives in both individuals and in teams, in a way which training programs are not able to do, by for example creating long-term learning and behavioural changes within the organisation.

Next Steps

Sofema Online offers the opportunity to enrol in Aviation Leadership and Management Skills Development Diploma – See here for details

For further guidance or if you have a question please email team@sassofia.com

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aviation, Leadership, online learning, Leadership Training, SOL Training, Aviation Diploma, Coaching, Mentoring, Aviation Competence, Coaching skills, Management training