April 06, 2016

Steven Bentley

Steven Bentley has been an Aviation Auditor for more than 25 years and this is what he says about acting like an aviation auditor. ”Ā As an aviation auditor we soon realise that we only have a limited time available in which to complete our understanding, analysis and assess any potential exposures to validate this understanding and most importantly to obtain concurrence from the auditee that they agree the finding.”

Oh how we try to communicate!

There is no substitute for clarity and simplicity of message we are looking for information not showing off !

Share with the auditee that you respect confidentiality and organisational issues will never be discussed outside of the audit.

We sometimes forget that communication means we have engaged in a two way process to send to receive. Ensuring of course that the received message is the same as the sent message not always an easy thing to achieve.

Also clarify that the auditee understands what you are saying and always check what the auditee has said to you, checking for Understanding (CFU). We should be able to ask the same question in several different ways to make sure it is understood in the most viable way.

Quite often the person who you are auditing is communicating in a language which is not their mother tongue, so it is normal that misunderstandings will occur, patience is not only a virtue it ia an attribute ofĀ  a successful auditor.

Be willing to re-phrase a question. Ask the auditee to expand upon their answer. Repeat the question when necessary. ā€¢ Language barriers can require even greater tolerance. Be aware of potential misunderstandings, and be patient. ā€¢ Be clear in your message. Strive for clarity and simplicity with every question.

Showing Respect is Fundamental

The world we live in is a better place for diversity and differences, however we have a role to play we should show respect and where appropriate also deference and awareness of any cultural differences.

To be genuine in behaviour and disposition is beneficial and will help to build bridges. Providing praise and recognition of excellent process and work delivery is essentially a positive, however never artificially pretend or give praise as it will without doubt add no value and may even back fire.

Paying Attention and Keeping on Track

As the audit proceeds keep a record of the names of the people you have spoken to and brief notes regard issues or potential issues, continuously manage the timeline so you remain in full control of the situation.

No room for a punch up here!

It is inevitable during the audit that there will be conflicting views of what is correct, so never fall in the trap of assuming the high ground. Even worse and a major ā€œmust never doā€ enter into an argument with the auditee.

Conversely know where the standards are written and be confident to refer to them. Never argue (remember that it takes two to argue) so as long as you remain focused and never lose your temper then you ultimately remain in control.

Treat the whole event lightly, show a relaxed approach and of courses there is room for humour and ā€œsomeā€ unrelated conversation, particularly where it makes people feel comfortable. However try to avoid anything which will waste our time (remember the challenge of managing the timeline)

Sofema Aviation Services offers a range of EASA compliant vocational andĀ regulatory training. For any comments or questions please emailĀ office@sassofia.com

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aviation, EASA, Auditor