April 01, 2019

Steven Bentley

Presentation Introduction ā€“ The Aviation Quality & Safety Management Symposium – Holiday Inn Sofia Bulgaria ā€“ Tues May 14th & Wed May 15th 2019

If you are engaged in Aviation Quality & Safety Management this is your one “must attend” event of the year.

Here is your opportunity to engage with a professional who has decades of experience and is able to rise to the challenge of any Airport Security issue and to share an understanding regarding best practice solutions.

For event details please see the following link


Related to SMS Quality Assurance has 2 distinct roles:

a) To independently assess that the SMS is fully compliant with all external regulatory compliances as well as internal organisational compliances.

b) To serve as a valuable source of data for the Safety Management System (SMS)

The ability of the organisation to develop and benefit from the integration of DATA is an indicator of the overall effectiveness of the SMS

About Quality Assurance (QA)

QA concerns the independent verification of compliance with external regulatory requirements and internal organisational requirements driven by process and procedures.

It is not in itself proactive (it does not imagine what can go wrong) simply the focus is on compliance. If compliance in some way fails then a discrepancy or corrective action must be raised to address the shortfall or finding.

QA is the prerogative of the Quality Manager although these days he has been rebranded by EASA and is known as the Compliance Manager. He is responsible for the annual audit plan and to make sure all audits are carried out on time.

Concerning SMS Regulatory Obligations

The operator shall implement and maintain a management system integrating a safety management system which clearly defined lines of responsibility and accountability throughout the aerodrome operator, including direct accountability for safety on the part of senior management which delivers a formal process that ensures that hazards in operations are identified;

An effective Safety Management System (SMS) requires that the ā€œOrganisationā€ considers all of the individual procedures, processes and activities in respect of any potential ā€œHazardsā€.

That the identified ā€œHazardsā€ are assessed for any ā€œRiskā€ which could adversely impact the organisation. The policies and procedures relating to safety management systems may be contained in a separate SMS manual if the organisation prefers, identifying a formal process that ensures analysis, assessment and mitigation of the safety risks in aerodrome operations and takes into account any changes or proposed changes.

Next Steps to joining the event

For an insight into meeting the challenges, Come and Join the forthcoming Quality & Safety Symposium 14th & 15th of May 2019 Holiday Inn Sofia Bulgaria.

For additional information please see the following link or email office@sassofia.com

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Aviation Quality Assurance, The Aviation Quality and Safety Management Symposium