May 05, 2012

Steven Bentley

The purpose of this blog is to consider two issues the first is the benefit of Optimizing the Maintenance Process  and the second is the Implementation of a cost effective MRO Solution.

We are also raising awareness of an extremely cost effective and efficient MRO software, we are doing so in a way which considers issues of concern and benefits associated with the implementation of MRO software within the work place.

The ability to be able to clearly and quickly, manage and demonstrate compliance is a fundamental attribute of most Maintenance Repair Organisation Software Solutions.

In fact  EASA Part M Subpart C includes the following requirements with referenced to Continuing Airworthiness tasks. Effective MRO Software delivers controls in all of these areas.

Implementation of a cost effective MRO Solution provides for the accomplishment of all maintenance, in accordance with the approved aircraft maintenance programme, the analysis of the effectiveness of the maintenance programme, the accomplishment of any applicable airworthiness directive, or other mandatory requirement, plus the accomplishment and management of modifications and repairs.

In the case of commercial air transport or large aircraft, a system of  assessment to provide a continuous analysis of the effectiveness of the approved continuing airworthiness management organisation’s defect control system in use.

Unscheduled removals and system performance should be analyzed to ensure the efficiency of the maintenance programme efficiency.

The integration of the various elements of the MRO software as part of the Implementation of a cost effective MRO Solution often bring significant  benefits, for example the improvement in oversight and the ability to demonstrate regulatory compliance.

A typical MRO Software Solution provides a means of managing airworthiness directive (AD) & service bulletin (SB) status, work packaging or scheduling, task card control and generation, inventory and maintenance records, reliability, inventory  and often much more.

Operators and maintenance organizations have an obligation to deliver effective maintenance, optimizing the Maintenance Process around an integrated software system can deliver significant benefits.

It is generally agreed that by harmonizing information flows across the maintenance management environment, significant benefits can be delivered, for example Optimized spares availability because of increased knowledge, effective process for managing AD’s and SB’s delivering better regulatory compliance.

Sofema Aviation Services is pleased to be able to offer clients a cutting edge integrated MRO software solution with proven integrity and a satisfied customer base, which may be owned or leased and can either be server or web based.  A key feature of our solution is to offer an innovative modular and scalable process. A further key benefit is the ability to allow clients to have access to data relevant to the their aircraft, this is a key requirement of  EASA part M oversight requirements.

For more information please visit or email

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EASA, Maintenance Process, MRO Solution, cost effective