October 12, 2023

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) www.sassofia.com looks at the practical functioning of the ICAO Primary SARPs Annexes directly connected with Maintenance Activities


The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has established numerous standards and recommended practices (SARPs) in the form of Annexes, each covering a different aspect of civil aviation. Here’s a brief overview of the role of each of the requested ICAO SARPs:

  • Annex 1 – Personnel Licensing: This annex sets out the criteria for licensing for personnel engaged in international civil aviation.

o It outlines the minimum knowledge, experience, and skill levels for various aviation personnel including pilots, air traffic controllers, aircraft maintenance engineers, and flight dispatchers.

o The aim of these standards is to ensure the competency of personnel involved in the operation and maintenance of aircraft, which is essential for maintaining aviation safety.

  • Annex 6 – Operation of Aircraft: This annexe is divided into three parts.

o Part I relates to the operation of aircraft in international commercial air transport

o Part II concerns international general aviation, and

o  Part III addresses the operations of international helicopters. These cover all aspects of operating an aircraft, including safety requirements, flight operations, crew requirements, and equipment standards. It also outlines the responsibilities of the aircraft operator in maintaining the safety and efficiency of operations.

  • Annex 8 – Airworthiness of Aircraft: Annex 8 outlines the standards for the design,

production, and maintenance of aircraft to ensure they are airworthy (safe for flight).

o This includes things like structural integrity, systems reliability, design characteristics, performance standards, and ongoing maintenance requirements. The aim is to minimize the risk of mechanical or structural failures during flight.

  • Annex 19 – Safety Management: This annex introduces and establishes the concept of a State Safety Program (SSP) and a Safety Management System (SMS) for service providers.

o SSP is an integrated set of regulations and activities aimed at improving safety, while an SMS is

o  Annex 19 is designed to ensure that safety risks are effectively managed in a proactive and systematic manner, rather than relying on reactive responses after incidents occur.

Each of these annexes is intended to contribute to the overall safety and efficiency of international civil aviation. They provide the standards that are used by ICAO’s 193 member states to harmonize their national regulations, enhancing safety, security, and environmental protection on a global level.

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Please see www.sassofia.com or email team@sassofia.com for further details regarding ICAO – EASA – FAA Training please see the following Introduction to Aviation Regulatory Structure – ICAO – EASA – FAA – 2 Days

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