April 01, 2016

Steven Bentley

UAE General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) takes oversight of Maintenance Organisations in a different direction to EASA with the proposed introduction of maintenance organisation review certificate (MORC) regulations.

With the introduction of the Maintenance Organisation Review Certificate (MORC) scheme,  Organisation are given the privilege to nominate Maintenance Organisation Review Certificate – Authorised Staff (MORC-AS)

Once nominated it will mean that the Maintenance Organisation will essentially be in a position to “self approve” new manned line stations without the need for direct regulatory audit. To mitigate the potential exposure the requirements to qualify as Maintenance Organisation Review Certificate – Authorised Staff (MORC-AS) are quite stringent.

The process is currently limited to organisations maintaining Aircraft in Group A1 (aircraft above 5700 KGS also known as Large Aircraft)

The cross utilisation of GCAA Authorised Staff MORC-AS between the approved organisations will be acceptable subject to an agreement between both organisations.

Initially the MORC- AS process will be adopted for

    1) Initial issuance of approval or extension to the scope of approval for foreign AMO, and/or

    2) Initial issuance of approval or extension of the scope of approval for organisations manned line stations located outside the UAE.

Extension to the scope of approval is defined as:

    (a) Addition of a line station to an existing GCAA AMO approval;

    (b) Addition of an aircraft type to an approved GCAA Line Station.

Maintenance Organisation Review Certificate – Authorised Staff (MORC-AS) shall be full time employee(s) of an approved organisation. And comply with the following requirements

    a) have at least 5 years’ experience in an aircraft maintenance and/or engineering and auditing functions within aircraft maintenance organisation of which a minimum of recent 6 months with the nominating organisation;

    b) hold an appropriate maintenance license in compliance with CAR 66 or an aeronautical degree or a national equivalent;

    c) be familiar with the relevant aircraft/engine type;

    d) have received audit training;

    e) have recent auditing experience;

    f) be holding position within the approved organisation with appropriate defined auditing responsibilities;

    g) be knowledgeable of maintenance organisation approval.

In addition to receive the following training initial/continuation training by the CAR 145 approved organisation:

    a) relevant CAR regulations, including its intended meaning and standard;

    b) a comprehensive understanding of Quality and Safety Management Systems;

    c) Human Factors in maintenance;

    d) Fuel Tank Safety training;

    e) EWIS training (to the appropriate level).

Finally It is  required to complete GCAA familiarisation/continuation training covering the following subjects:

    a) GCAA AMO approval process in accordance with Appendix 1 to GM 145.15;

    b) General familiarisation on GCAA e-Services/Q-Pulse;

    c) GCAA audit procedures;

    d) GCAA MORC procedures, processes and forms;

    e) The rights and obligations of the MORC-AS;

    f) The role and authority of the MORC-AS when representing the GCAA;

    g) Review of MOE/GCAA Supplement in accordance with CAR 145 Regulation;

    h) Issuance of MORC Statement to GCAA;

MORC Process, Documentation and Reports

Upon receiving a CAR 145 approval application, the GCAA shall, based on its risk assessment, process the application internally or assign the process to the approved organisation under the MORC Scheme.

If assigned the approved organisation will nominate a MORC-AS and inform the GCAA.

The MORC-AS shall always comply with his responsibilities at all times and shall execute responsibilities in accordance with best professional standards and industry practice.

The MORC-AS shall complete the MORC tasks including the audit to determine the audited organisation’s compliance with CAR 145 Regulations for the intended rating/capability, using the prescribed forms/checklists and obtaining the supporting evidence, as listed in AMC to CAR 145.106(d).

The MORC-AS shall be responsible to upload the requirements listed under CAR 145.106(d) in the GCAA Q-Pulse within the prescribed interval. Any non-compliance noted during the audit shall be supported with the appropriate evidence.

The MORC–AS shall ensure prior to sending the MORC Statement to the GCAA that the findings have been closed.

The MORC-AS shall complete the MORC Statement using the prescribed form and send it to the GCAA – Refer to Appendix VI to CAR 145.

Sofema Aviation Services offers EASA and UAE GCAA compliant vocational and regulatory training for any comments or questions please email office@sassofia.com  

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Maintenance, GCAA, UAE, MORC