
Considerations related to the Integration of Maintenance Foreign Object Damage (FOD) Procedures into the SMS System

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Integration-of Maintenance- FOD- Procedures into-the-SMS System

October 31, 2023

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers best practices related to the integration of Maintenance Foreign Object Damage (FOD) process and procedures into the organizational Safety Management System. Introduction – to ensure the best outcomes the following elements will be considered: Foreign Object Damage (FOD) can result from various objects like tools, parts, debris etc. The integration…

Introduction to FAA Required Inspection Items (RII) Tasks

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Required Inspection Items

October 30, 2023

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the role & purpose of Required Inspection Items (RII) Tasks Introduction An FAA RII item is defined as a designation of the items of maintenance and alteration that must be inspected (required inspections) including at least those that could result in a failure, malfunction, or defect, endangering the safe operation of…

Considerations Related to Building an FAA Safety Management System (SMS)

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Safety Management System (SMS)

October 27, 2023

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the building blocks of an FAA-compliant aviation Safety Management System (SMS) Introduction SMS is a Management led, formal, top-down, organization-wide approach to: Managing safety risks and Assuring the effectiveness of safety risk controls. Includes the following elements: o Procedures, o Practices, and o Policies for the management of safety risk….

Integrating Existing Safety Programs into the Safety Management System

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Safety Management System

October 27, 2023

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the challenges of Safety Management System (SMS) integration into an existing organisational system Introduction – What makes a successful Aviation Safety Management System operation? Effective aviation safety management relies on Five Key Concepts: Upper-level management engagement A just culture Safety event (Hazard with an unacceptable level of risk) Reporting and…