Safety Management Systems Overview and Recurrent Workshop – 2 Days


Periodically we should consider our Safety Management Systems in a more Holistic way to consider whether it is delivering the optimum benefit for our organisation. Do you know the primary reason for Aviation Safety Management System “Failure” (Fail is a hard word – maybe abject underperformance is more appropriate!)
Aviation Safety Management Systems underperform because the Safety Manager is trying to implement “His” SMS and not the SMS which is driven by the core management team. (Unfortunately, this is much misunderstood and reoccurs multiple times). Often the Accountable Manage does not take sufficient ownership of the SMS Program.

This may be compounded by the fact that the core management team does not understand sufficiently the SMS and “relies” on the SMS Manager to do “the” Job. (but he cannot for multiple reasons and this is the “catch-22”)This 2-day course aims to provide a comprehensive review of the overall effectiveness of our SMS. Delegates will undertake an overall review of SMS best practice and together with the regulatory-driven obligations will perform a GAP analysis against their own organisation system.

The course is extremely intensive highly practical, and promotes best industry practices. It is an industry-specific two-day program specifically designed for those who need to engage with a full understanding and manage or deliver specific guidance within their own organisations. The course is highly participative stimulates involvement and provides for powerful motivation. Extensive use is made of group exercises, workshop activities, case studies and feedback.

What is the Benefit of this Training – What will I learn?

a) To be able to explain the organisation SMS methodology.
b) To understand the mechanism whereby the Senior Management can demonstrate effective oversight and management of its risks.
c) To understand the meaning of “Top Down” Safety Management Systems – and what it means for business leaders.
d) To be able to actively engage in the involvement of all the staff in safety
e) To understand the methodology used to mitigate or control the potential “safety threats by assessing hazards and dealing with the associated risks
f) Understanding the need to provide Senior Management with full awareness of the key risks or exposures of the business
g) To develop the ability to Mitigate or control the potential “safety threats”.

Who is the Course for?

It is for persons who are actively involved in the management or Interaction or the organisations SMS including Quality Audit Staff, Nominated Persons, and business process owners, as well as anyone with an interest to achieve an effective understanding of the SMS processes.

Detailed Content / Topics – The following Subjects will be addressed

Day 1

Regulatory References
Abbreviations and Definitions
SMS Overview – ICAO Driven
Review of SMS Regulatory Obligations
What is the Current Status of the SMS within our Organisation & where are the Challenges?
Internal reporting into our SMS –how effective is it?
The link between the Safety Office, QA and HF/ CRM training
SMS Training Requirements
Safety Assurance (with OJT)
Risk Assessment & Root Cause Analysis review status and appraisal

Day 2

Safety risk assessment (with OJT)
SMS Developments and the Management of Change
Our SMS Training Program –how effective is it and how to measure?
Safety Communication within the Organisation–How to Measure the Effectiveness?
SMS Effective Marketing and Raising Awareness
Optimizing Safety Culture to promote SMS behaviour
Data Gathering Techniques – Evaluation of Current and Future Practices
Safety Risk Mitigation and Effective Management (with OJT)
Developing Mitigations and Safety Improvements
Review and assessment of the Emergency Response Planning Process
Developing our SMS Progress and Development Plan
Safety Promotion and Raising Awareness – Exercise
Safety Performance Monitoring
General Debrief and Close

Target groups

This course will be of very significant benefit to all persons with a specific involvement in the organisations SMS, It will also be of interest to Quality Audit staff and potential trainers who need to have the necessary competence to deliver effective courses in the organisation. Training Department Managers and other Training staff will also benefit from attendance at this course.


A background in an aviation environment together with a comprehensive understanding of the theory and practice of SMS processes and procedures.

Learning Objectives

After attending this course, participants should be able to present to the senior management team an SMS development plan which will continue to drive your organisation’s SMS in a strong and positive direction.

What do People Say about Sofema Aviation Services Training?

“The instructor used the right words to explain the material.”
“The discussions among the group were very beneficial.”
“The instructor showed very resourceful background and experience.”
“All sections of the course were related to my field.”
“Adequate answers were given to specific questions.”


2 Days – To commence at 09.00 and finish at 17.00, with appropriate refreshment breaks.
To register for this training, please email or Call +359 28210806

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