Training in Aviation Security Crisis Management – 5 Days

Introduction –

The purpose of this 5 day training is to provide management personnel with the knowledge and skills needed to develop and implement sound crisis management procedures.

Detailed Content / Topics – The following Subjects will be addressed –

Day 1


1. Describe the course aims, structure and methodology.
2. List the threats currently affecting the civil aviation industry.
3. List the characteristics of offenders perpetrating attacks against civil aviation.
4. Examine the effects of acts of unlawful interference against civil aviation using case studies.


1. Explain the characteristics common to all crisis situations
2. Describe the basic principles of crisis management
3. Explain the different phases of a crisis and the general strategies for dealing with each phase.
4. Explain the principles involved in exercising command and control of a crisis.

Day 2


1. Describe the main elements of a crisis management plan.
2. Explain the stages in the development of a crisis management plan.

Day 3


1. Examine the composition and functions of a crisis management team at both the national and incident levels.
2. Demonstrate how conflict can occur between groups of individuals with a common purpose in stress situations.


1. Describe the difference between types and locations of command and control centres.
2. Specify the factors to be considered when developing and establishing command and control centres.
3. List the essential equipment required in the centres.

Day 4


1. Examine the need for airport emergency exercises
2. Describe the planning process for emergency exercises.
3. Participate in a simulated crisis management exercise.

Day 5


1. Evaluate the training activities of the course utilizing the Course Opinion Questionnaire.

Target Groups –

Staff at the mid to senior management levels of organizations within a State that have been assigned responsibility under that State’s National Civil Aviation Security Programme to form part of the crisis management element to respond to act of unlawful interference occurring within that State.

Pre-requisites –

Trainees should satisfy the following criteria:

Proficiency in both written and spoken English.

Ideally trainees should have at least three years experience in a management/supervisory position within organizations mentioned in the target population.

Learning Objectives –

Upon completion of the course, trainees will be able to:

Explain the need for crisis management plan to respond to major security emergencies occurring at airports;

b) Describe the essential components of a crisis management plan;

c) Identify the composition and function of a crisis management team;

d) Describe the essential facilities necessary in support of a planned response to a crisis;

e) List the system testing features necessary to ensure currency in crisis management plans.

Duration –

5 days – Each training day will commence at 09.00 and finish at 17.00, with appropriate refreshment breaks.

To register for this training, please email or Call +359 28210806

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