The EASA 145 Stores Management and Inspection System is an essential element of the 145 approval. It must be managed and staffed by trained and competent staff. This training is designed to cover all elements which are essential to the effective management and operation of a fully compliant store.
Sofema Aviation Services offers the most comprehensive EASA Compliant Regulatory Training Course for Logistics & Stores Inspection Staff. Our Courses are designed to provide attendees with both a fundamental understanding of Storage Management Principles together with a detailed practical understanding of the requirements to Manage and Develop an Aviation Store.
If you have any questions about SAS training courses please just ASK! Email
1-Day Training
Approved EASA Stores Inspector Training – Recurrent β 1 Day
Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive (ESDS) β 1/2 Day
Logistics & Stores Inspection Procedures EASA β Essentials β 1 Day
Logistics & Stores Inspection Procedures EASA/GCAA β Essentials β 1 Day
Logistics & Stores Inspection Procedures FAA Essentials β 1 Day
2-Day Training
Approved EASA Stores Inspector Training -Initial β 2 Days
Logistics & Stores Inspection Procedures EASA Intensive β 2 Days
Logistics & Stores Inspection Procedures EASA/GCAA β 2 Days
Stores Incoming Inspection Recurrent β 2 Days
3-Day Training
Logistics & Stores Inspection Procedures EASA β 3 Days
Logistics & Stores Inspection Procedures EASA/GCAA – 3 Days
Stores Incoming Inspection Initial β 3 Days
5-Day Training
Logistics & Stores Inspection Procedures EASA β 5 Day
Integrated EASA & FAA Regulatory Course for Aviation Logistics & Material Specialists β 5 Days