May 23, 2019

Steven Bentley

David Brooks – Instructor of Sofema Aviation Services, had the pleasure to deliver 5 Training courses to Gulf Helicopters staff.

The Training session started on May 13th and finished on May 17th at Gulf Helicopters Facilities in Istanbul, Turkey. Near 50 delegates completed the 5 one day long training courses of EASA Part 145, EASA Part M, Regulation 965/2012 and Accountable Manager & Post-Holder Regulatory Obligations, SMS Overview and Root Cause.

About the Session

The training session started with EASA Part 145 Overview and Recurrent – 1 Day – The aims of the course are to give delegates a recurrent understanding of the maintenance organisations responsibilities, contracted arrangements, and a thorough understanding of the organizational responsibilities associated with Part 145 compliance.

Next one was EASA Part M Overview & Recurrent – 1 Day – It’s developed with the purpose of giving delegates a recurrent understanding of the operator’s responsibilities, contracted arrangements, Subpart J and Subpart I responsibilities.

On the third day (EC) Regulation 965/2012 – Essentials – 1 Day training was delivered. The course is developed to identify effective oversight and audit techniques related to EASA Air Operation Regulation 965 and Amendments, delves into the topic of how to Assess Effective Flight Data Monitoring Program Implementation and more.

On May 16th the topic was Accountable Manager and Post Holder (Nominated Persons) Regulatory Obligations Combined OPS, ATO & Maintenance – Essentials – 1 Day – An intensive 1 day training for busy Industry leaders; the focus on the training is a comprehensive understanding of Roles and Responsibilities of Accountable executives and Post Holders (Nominated Persons).

On the last day, the focus was on SMS Overview & Root Cause – 1 Day – The ability to understand exposure and to analyze root causes are without doubt essential skills for Safety Practioners and Managers alike. The purpose of this training is to review SMS organisation obligations and to identify best practice techniques and behaviours to perform effective Root Cause Analysis (RCA).

About Sofema Aviation Services

SAS Corporate Focus Promotes Delivery Beyond Compliance – We believe passionately that regulatory compliance is a step on the journey and not the destination.

Active across several continents SAS provides a clear understanding of the regulatory environment and acts as enablers to help organisations focus on organisational performance with the understanding that Regulatory Compliance is a step on the journey and not the destination.

Our Instructional Team is sincere, knowledgeable and experienced with a focus on effective delivery of interesting and relevant training to an adult audience.

Supported by a wealth of knowledge our Instructors are able to focus on a genuine desire to support a real understanding at the organisational level of the subject matter.

What did the delegates say about the training session?

“The instructor explained many important things in depth.”
“Everything was in appropriate timing and good climate.”
“I found all aspects of the course very useful.”
“The examples we received during the course were very helpful.”
“The instructor has a very professional approach towards the material.”
“The structure of the presentation was very good.”

Sofema Aviation Services and our sister company SofemaOnline provide classroom and online training for regulatory and vocational training fully compliant with EASA requirements.

Are you looking for an Open Training or Training in your Company?

For additional details regarding any of our “In company” or “Open training” courses please see our website or please email

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In Company Training, Gulf Helicopters Company