December 09, 2022


Sofema Aviation Services shares the latest events in the Aviation business from around the world in our
Aviation Weekly News Roundup:

What Impact Might UK Border Force Strikes Have This December?
Over two million seats are scheduled to arrive at affected UK airports over the busy Christmas holiday period. Read more

>> Airbus unable to meet 2022 commercial aircraft delivery target
Based on its delivery of 68 commercial aircraft in November and the complex operating environment, Airbus SE considers its target to achieve “around 700” commercial aircraft deliveries in 2022 to now be out of reach. Read more

Bahrain’s Gulf Air sets long-touted US flights in motion
Gulf Air (GF, Bahrain Int’l) has applied for a US Foreign Air Carrier Permit (FACP) and exemption to launch direct services between Bahrain Int’l and undisclosed points in the United States. Read more

>> Last 747 Rolled Out
After 53 years in production, the 1,547th and last Boeing 747 left the assembly building in Everett, Washington, on Tuesday evening. The last of its type is a cargo version that will be delivered to Atlas Air in 2023. Read more

Lawmakers agree to restrict EU carbon tax to flights within Europe
A deal struck by EU legislators early Wednesday morning (7 December) affirms that the price on aviation carbon emissions will continue to apply only to flights within Europe, in a blow to environmental campaigners who had lobbied for complete coverage. Read more

>> $2 billion in airline funds blocked from repatriation, says IATA
Airline funds amounting to nearly $2 billion are stuck in countries awaiting repatriation, a top aviation body said on Thursday. The International Air Transport Association also called on governments to remove all barriers to airlines repatriating their revenues from ticket sales and other activities. Read more

Aviation industry needs to diversify how sustainable fuel is made, says IATA energy transition director
GENEVA: The aviation industry is “very reliant” on one way of making sustainable aviation fuel that commonly uses cooking oil and needs to diversify, the director of energy transition at the International Air Transport Association (IATA) said on Tuesday (Dec 6). Read more

>> Upcoming Webinar Session dedicated to EASA Part 145 SMS & Regulation EU 1321/2014
Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) is pleased to invite you to the EASA Part 145 SMS & Regulation EU 1321/2014 webinar session that is coming in January 2023.  Read more

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EASA Part 145, IATA, Aviation SMS, Airbus, UK airports, Upcoming Webinar, Regulation EU 1321/2014, Boeing 747, International Air Transport Association (IATA)