February 05, 2019

Steven Bentley

Developing EASA Compliant Quality Assurance for CAMO & 145 – 3 Days, Manchester, UK

Outstanding Price for a 3-day course plus up to 25% discount available for Multi-attendance (3 persons)

Location: Thomas Cook Facilities Manchester Airport

Dates: March 11th – March 13th, 2019



The Quality Manager (QM) or Compliance Manager (CM) heads up the independent process for performing a gap analysis (auditing for conformity) of the organisations documentation systems and processes.

Any finding becomes a “discrepancy” and generates the need for “corrective action”.

Within the EASA system, the following is applicable:

Consider the following role definitions and responsibilities:

a) The Accountable Manager is responsible for the Quality System which includes both elements of Quality Control and Quality Assurance;

b) The Quality Assurance Manager [Compliance Manager (CM)] is responsible for the auditing of all Compliance related elements of the organisation system;

c) “Quality Audit” is the process of systematic examination of a quality system carried out by an internal or external quality auditor or an audit team;

d) Whenever we perform a quality audit, there will always be a reference or “standard” against which the audit is carried out. So another way of thinking about the audit is to consider it is a comparison against the standard or a “Gap Analysis”;

e) The responsibility of the quality assurance auditor is to periodically test and assess quality control systems. Quality Control related to the physical act of production within the organisation;

f) Quality Control is typically the responsibility of the individual post holders and business area owners. Quality Control is delivered through the development of regulatory compliant organisational processes and procedures which are followed by suitably trained and competent organisational staff;

g) Independently all QC processes should be audited by the QA process;

h) Consider also that there is an organisational need for the Quality System to Audit the SMS System.


Meet the Challenge

Do you want to be fully engaged with the techniques to effectively manage Part M & Part 145 Organisations?

Be able to explain the key elements required to manage the organisation’s compliance audit System processes to both ensure compliance and deliver maximum effectiveness.

Understand the regulations which deliver the Quality Audit Requirements.

Consider in-depth Compliance Management Auditing and to raise an understanding of the various roles of a quality system within the organisation.

Focus on effective identification of root cause analysis and promotion of positive action.

Place a clear priority on best practice management within a strong quality assurance “compliance-based” system.

Understand techniques to focus on the organisational issues during the audit including the relationship within the workplace and responsibility to address issues.

Understanding how an effective Quality Assurance system can support the effectiveness of the organisation.

The purpose of this training is to identify best practice techniques and behaviours to support the delivery of effective audits. The delegate will consider practices to determine the root causes of identified issues.


Who is the Instructor?

Steve Bentley MD of Sofema Aviation Services started his aviation career in the 1970’s the entire period spent in Commercial Aviation with 25 years experience in Quality Assurance – Benefit from real & Genuine Experience

Sofema Aviation Services Auditor training is highly relevant for members of the Quality Assurance Audit department, it is also relevant for all business area stake holders and owners as well as anyone who is receiving internal audits

See course details here

Book your place now email office@sassofia.com

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CAMO, EASA Part 145, EASA Quality Assurance, Forthcoming, UK