December 10, 2018

Steven Bentley

David Brooks – Instructor of Sofema Aviation Services had the pleasure to deliver EASA Compliant training session to Air Atlanta Icelandic staff.

The session commenced from November 26th to November 29th. 2018. Over 30 delegates attended the 4-day training session in the facilities of Air Atlanta in Iceland.

About the session

Part M Overview & Recurrent

The Aims of the course are to give delegates a recurrent understanding of the operator’s responsibilities, contracted arrangements, Subpart J and Subpart I responsibilities.

The course is focused and stimulating, very practical and participation is encouraged. It is ideally suited to Accountable Managers, Post Holders CAMO and Quality Personnel.

SMS Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment

This intensive 1-day training looks at several different ways that we can identify hazards, perform analysis and develop organizational appropriate mitigations.

During the course, delegates will work through several examples with the emphasis on group work and discussion to evaluate the differences of opinion, which may come into risk assessment.

EASA Part 145 Overview and Recurrent

The Aims of the course are to give delegates a recurrent understanding of the maintenance organisations responsibilities, contracted arrangements, and a thorough understanding of the organizational responsibilities associated with Part 145 compliance.

About Sofema Aviation Services

Sofema Aviation Services has been providing training services since 2008 and has issued course completion certificates to more than 15000 delegates.

Based in Sofia, Bulgaria, SAS is a Global, Professional, Airline, MRO and Ground Operations, Support, Consulting and Training Company. We offer qualified and experienced UK and European Nationals. We are proud of our Trainers who are competent and motivated to deliver the best service on behalf of SAS and for the Customer.

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) has built up a genuine reputation for effective consultancy and support together with motivational training which educates and inspires all our delegates with a training program which includes:

– European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
– Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
– UAE General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA)
– Overseas Territory Aviation Regulations (OTAR)

Behind Sofema Aviation Services we have over 40 Years industry experience to call on, we are able to help you develop the most appropriate outcomes for your organization. We understand the importance of helping organisations to meet the challenge of managing competence, we work to develop a positive safety culture and deliver improved business performance. Our primary focus is on delivering quality assured support and training services.

What do the delegates say about the training:

“The instructor is very well prepared and very easy to understand.”

“The teaching approach was very good and helpful.”

“Overall, I am very impressed with the course.”

“The instructor’s explanations were very clear.”

“The examples from real life were very useful.”

“I liked that the course was focused on the practical side.”

Sofema Aviation Services and our sister company SofemaOnline provide classroom and online training for regulatory and vocational training fully compliant with EASA requirements.

Are you looking for an Open Training or Training in your Company?

For additional details regarding any of our “In company” or “Open training” courses please see our website or please email

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Air Atlanta Icelandic