August 11, 2023

Steven Bentley

We are delighted to share that Sofema Online has launched a new course:

(EC) Regulation 965/2012 Training (Large A/C – Air Carrier)

About the training:

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has published the Cover Regulation along with the Implementing Rules for the Conduct of Air Operations as Regulation (EC) 965/2012 Training (Large A/C – Air Carrier) dated October 5, 2012 ( being issued on October 25). The new Air Operations requirements consist of the Regulation and its implementing measures, as well as the corresponding Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM), published on the Agency website as Decisions. The Regulation lays down detailed rules for commercial air transport operations with aeroplanes and helicopters, including aircraft ramp inspections of operators under the safety oversight of another State when landed at aerodromes,  located in the territory subject to the provisions of the Treaty. The Regulation also lays down detailed rules on the conditions for issuing, maintaining, amending, limiting, suspending, or revoking the certificates of operators of aircraft referred to in Article 4(1)(b) and (c) of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 engaged in commercial air transport operations, the privileges and responsibilities of the holders of certificates, as well as conditions under which the operations shall be prohibited, limited, or subject to certain conditions in the interest of safety. See more

Course type: Presentation without voice over
Duration equivalent to 2-day classroom training
Price: 125 EUR

What is the content of this training?

1. Abbreviations & Terms
2. Update & Notes
3. General Introduction
4. A Brief History of European Aviation Regulatory Development
5. Understanding the EASA Regulatory Machine
6. Regulations on Air Operators Introduction
7. EASA Basic Regulation (EC) 2018/1139
8. The Management System requirements of Part OPS
9. SMS In an Operations Environment – Part OPS & SMS
10. How we Measure and Categorize Risk
11. Considering Part M & EASA “OPS” Interfaces

Check the remaining content and learn about the benefits of this training. 

Soft Copy of the material

  • Special offer for Groups of 3 or more: If you have a minimum of 3 delegates registered together for a SOL online course, your nominated Course Leader / Administrator will be able to request a free-of-charge soft copy of the training material.
  • Price drop of offline access to SOL training material: From 1 January 2023, we are pleased to provide you with offline access to SOL course material for a nominal fee of €30 (€125) per training day. Please email with your request for soft copy material. Read more

How to register?

Visit the course’s page here and enroll directly on the website or email  for group enrollments.

What’s more?

  • Existing customers are welcome to join the membership program – SOL Plus, Enjoy a Welcome Gift of 50% off any single course of your choice + multiple discount opportunities.
  • Receive unlimited access to 300+ training programs for 1 year – Take a Freedom Pass if you are an individual or Get a Corporate Freedom Pass for your organisation!

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EASA, Part OPS, New Training, Acceptable means of compliance (AMC), Guidance material (GM), new SOL course, Regulation 965/2012 Training, (Large A/C - Air Carrier), Cover Regulation, Conduct of Air Operations as Regulation, Air Operations requirements, EASA Regulatory Machine, Part OPS & SMS, Part M & EASA “OPS” Interfaces