September 15, 2020

Steven Bentley

SofemaOnline is delighted to announce the New Diploma Program prepared to expand your Leadership and Management Skills:

Aviation Leadership and Management Skills Development Diploma

Enrol at

Have you ever asked yourself the question: Are Leaders Born or Made?

Behavioural Theorists believe that people can become leaders through the process of teaching, learning, and observation. Leadership is a set of skills that can be learned by training, perception, practice, and experience over time. Leadership learning is a lifetime activity.

SofemaOnline understands its customers’ needs to improve their leadership and management skills and has combined the following 12 separate online courses (each one is certificated) into a diploma program:

1. Aviation Leadership and Management Skills Development – Leadership Skills (52 EUR)
2. Aviation Leadership – Body Language for Executives (52 EUR)
3. Aviation Leadership and Management Skills Development – Building Competency (52 EUR)
4. Aviation Leadership and Management Skills Development – Communication and Assertiveness (52 EUR)
5. Aviation Leadership and Management Skills Development – Public Speaking (38.50 EUR)
6. Delivering an Effective Mentoring Program in Aviation Operations & Maintenance (52 EUR)
7. Aviation Leadership – Developing Positive Interview Skills (52 EUR)
8. Aviation Leadership – Developing Teams (52 EUR)
9. EASA AM & Nominated Person 6 Sigma Awareness (52 EUR)
10. Aviation Leadership – Facilitating Effective Meetings (38.50 EUR)
11. Performance Coaching in Aviation Operations & Maintenance (38.50 EUR)
12. Measuring Aviation Training – Return on Investment (ROI) (52 EUR)

On completion of all 12 courses, the student is awarded a hard copy diploma.

The regular price of the courses when undertaken individually = 583.50 EUR

Special Price to obtain your Diploma with SofemaOnline Learning Development = 325 EUR

Early Bird Discount Available until the end of September 2020 – 250 EUR!

Deferred payment option – 3 monthly payments of 128 EUR*

Start Your Learning Journey – Register at

*Deferred Payment Terms

The amount may be spread over 3 payments.

– 128 EUR – initial payment (open the first 4 courses)
– 128 EUR – second payment 4 months after the first payment (open the second batch of 4 courses)
– 128 EUR – third payment 8 months after the first payment (open the rest 4 courses)

For more information please visit the Leadership Diploma page by clicking here or email

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Aviation Training, Online Training, Leadership, Management Skills, Aviation Leadership and Management Skills, Public Speaking, Diploma, Leadership Training, SOL Training, Developing teams, interview skills, Leadership skills