June 23, 2020

Steven Bentley

EASA Part 145 Maintenance Error “Train the Trainer” Instructor Online Training Package

Save 197 USD with this “Special Package” – SofemaOnline Does it Again!

Discounted Price equivalent to 9 ½ Days of Classroom Training

ONLY 325 USD – Act Now!

Outstanding offer – Focused on the needs of your 145 Maintenance Error / Human Factors Trainer


Preparation for Effective SMS within an EASA Part 145 Organisation

In Preparation for effective delivery of Safety Management Systems within an EASA Part 145 Environment, SofemaOnline is pleased to offer a tailored special package of training courses specifically aimed at the needs of your Maintenance Error Instructor.

What Does a Maintenance Error Management System Do for us?

Using the MEDA process assists maintenance organisations in identifying why events occur as well as understanding how to prevent them in the future.

Human Error is a major component of Maintenance Error, an active organisation system which is able to manage exposure to risk and hazards can benefit the entire process by significantly lowering the possibility of both Human Error as well as organisational related incidents and events.

Maintenance Error Management System (MEMS) provides an organisation methodology which using a framework and a defined process (in our case BOEING MEDA) to help to understand not just the error and its root cause, but the contributing factors – essentially it is the understanding and management of the contributing factors which adds strength to the system.

Within the Organisation Culture and Behaviour play a significant role in the exposure to error and through MEDA we are able to work to identify the degree of exposure, integrated into an SMS system can significantly improve the reach and effectiveness of the MEMS Program.

The EASA Part 145 Maintenance Error “Train the Trainer” – Instructor Package consists of the following courses:

  • EASA Part 145 – 147 Instructor Techniques Course – Train the Trainer (165 USD)
  • EASA Part 145 – 147 Supervisor & Assessor Training Skills Development (79.50 USD)
  • Aviation Leadership and Management Skills Development – Public Speaking (42.50 USD)
  • Maintenance Error Management System & MEDA Training Program (117.50 USD)
  • Root Cause Analysis for Quality Assurance & Safety Practitioners (117.50)

Priced Individually these courses would cost 522 USD.

Special Offer Package

As a package, The EASA Part 145 Maintenance Error “Train the Trainer is provided at the special discounted price of 325 USD – a saving of approximately 200 USD

Next Steps

Visit the package page here and enrol now with PAYPAL or email online@sassofia.com to register for this package of courses.

SofemaOnline (SOL) www.sofemaonline.com has received 8722 Enrolments since 2019 and issued 9047 Certificates.


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Human Factors, MEDA, MEMS, Maintenance Error, Sofemaonline, EASA Part 145 Organisation, SOL Training, Instructor Online Training