October 26, 2015

Steven Bentley

Save on a Selection of Mandatory Initial Training Courses with Oktoberfest and EASAOnline!

Sofema Aviation Services is pleased to offer our www.easaonline.com special discount for the month of October – a genuine saving of 85 USD on the regular price!

1. Human Factors Initial Training with Voice Over

2. Fuel Tank Safety Initial Training with Voice Over

3. EWIS for groups 1 & 2 with Voice Over

The normal price to take these three trainings together is 250 USD but for the month of October 2015 this price will be discounted by 85 USD means you will pay only 165 USD for the three courses.

EASAOnline is a leading provider of online regulatory and vocational courses and is one of the few providers of online training for Maintenance Planning and Production Planning specialties.

EASAOnline continues to add training courses to our portfolio and if there is something in particular you would like to see next year please let us know.

To receive this great offer simple email easaonline@sassofia.com or office@sassofia.com with the your details and quote Octoberfest to receive the discount.

Many Thanks,

EASAOnline team

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EWIS, Fuel Tank Safety, Human Factors, EASAOnline, Octoberfest