June 03, 2019

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services is pleased to introduce you the newest courses Available:

Safety Management Systems Practical Implementation Pathway to Success – 3 Days

Safety Management System -SMS How to use Safety Performance Indicators (SPI) to Deliver an Acceptable Level of Safety (ALOS)– 2 Days

Email office@sassofia.com to Request the courses for Open or In-Company Session

About the training:

Safety Management Systems Practical Implementation Pathway to Success – 3 Days

An ICAO compliant Safety Management System provides a mechanism to proactively seek, identify, quantify as well as mitigate risks and potential hazards which exist in the business. Moreover, it provides a mechanism to deliver a safer working process and environment in every facet of your day to day business activities.

This course delivers a practical pathway to implement a Safety Management System (SMS) within your organisation.

The course delivers an SMS implementation program which by focusing on 3 monthly fully achievable and measurable objectives will deliver a real and working SMS over an extended program lasting 2 years.

What is the Benefit of this Training – What will I learn?

a) Gain a detailed awareness of the philosophy of safety management

b) Be able to fully engage with the needs and benefits of SMS

c) Be able to deliver a continuous oversight of your organisations SMS…


ICAO Introduction-Gap Analysis Benchmarking your SMS

Planning the Implementation Program Timeline & Constructing the initial road map

Agreeing on Ownership and Oversight Support.

SMS Implementation Process and Integration

SMS Non-Punitive Disciplinary Policies… (See the full content)


Safety Management System -SMS How to use Safety Performance Indicators (SPI) to Deliver an Acceptable Level of Safety (ALOS)– 2 Days

Aviation is an incredibly complex business environment. Demands placed on the organization and individuals to deliver are often considerable and place a burden on key individuals.

On a daily basis, Operators and Managers make decisions in real time, weighing the probability and severity of any adverse consequences implied by the risk against the expected gain of taking the risk. (This process is known as risk management.” – ICAO)

We accept that absolute safety is generally an unachievable and very expensive goal, therefore the concept of acceptable safety has been adopted in aviation. The term “acceptable risk” describes an event with a probability of occurrence and consequences acceptable to society.

What is the Benefit of this Training – What will I learn?

a) Gain a detailed awareness of the philosophy of Safety Risk management

b) Be able to fully engage with the assessment of Acceptable Level of Safety

c) Be able to develop Safety Performance Indicators to generate data for managing an effective SMS


Introduction – What is safety performance

Background to Safety Risk and Exposure within an Aviation Environment

What is the Difference between AloS and SPI’s

Understanding the role of safety performance monitoring within SMS

Considering the Difference between Safety Objectives and Safety Performance Targets

Developing relevant SPIs to meet the business objective to monitor safety performance… (See the full content)

What do People Say about Sofema Aviation Services Training?

“The course exceeded my expectations.”
“Everything was in appropriate timing and in a good climate.”
“Maximum points for the instructor’s effort and explanation from me.”
“The instructor provided enough room for all the questions to be asked”
“We received a lot of additional information to make things clearer.”

You can request the Training as an “Open Session” so you or delegates send by your organisation can attend or as an “In-Company Session” – we can deliver the training in your facilities to all aviation professionals who need it. Please see here what are the perks of the “In-Company session” or email office@sassofia.com

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Aviation SMS, New Courses