May 28, 2019

Steven Bentley

Review and Comments by Steve Bentley CEO of Sofema Group

Is Your Regulatory Training – Value Driven?

Regulatory for example EASA or Industry, for example, Sofema – where is the best value for the receiving organisation?

Lets cut to the “Chase” asking who provides the best value training is something of a “loaded” question.

Consider the Primary Role of your Organisation

Essentially the role of the organisation is to deliver an effective product in an efficient way moreover that compliance with regulatory obligations is (or should be) a given rather than an objective.

Means – Regulatory Compliance is a step on the Journey and not the Destination

Buying into a Philosophy

The philosophy is quite simple and it is that the best training, whether “Regulatory” or “Vocational” should be focused on promoting the optimum organisational behaviour.

This behaviour should recognize and embrace the fact that training which only focuses on regulatory compliance is missing key elements related to understanding organisational opportunities.

Its all about the Base! (Actually, Its all about Focus)

Ensure your training provider has industry exposure and awareness of both the challenges we face on a daily basis together with the options to address these challenges.

It is reasonable to comment that over-reliance on members of a “Regulatory Authority” to deliver regulatory and vocational training misses a fundamental attribute.

Effectively recognizing the need to ensure not just regulatory competence but also organisational competence focused on delivering the best possible organisational business process and outcomes.

So what does Sofema Aviation Services and Sofema Online offer which is different?

Within SAS and SOL, we ensure that the training we provide to your staff is focused on the development of core competences.

Such “Core Competences” strive to support the effective development of the organisation process and procedures. In a way that encourages a safety culture, and drives efficient working processes and at the same time meets all regulatory objectives.

EASA is Changing!

Keeping up with the latest thinking and understanding what EASA means when it promotes the delivery of Performance-Based Regulation.


PBR –  Performance-Based Regulation

RBO –  Risk-Based Oversight

PBO – Performance-Based Oversight

Historic EASA Regulation is Changing

Historically the EASA regulatory environment was prescriptive (Industry was “told” what to do!)

With RBO & PBO approach the organisation will need to demonstrate an understanding of the regulatory objective and to encompass compliance within the organisations’ procedures, processes, systems and to ensure that its employees are trained and competent to engage with a performance-based environment.

Moreover, to understand how to develop a range of performance indicators to enable full engagement and ongoing safety awareness throughout the organisation.

Sofema Aviation Services and Sofema Online offer more than 500 EASA compliant regulatory and vocation training courses. For details please see the websites or email or

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EASA, EASA Regulatory Environment, Regulatory and Vocational training, Aviation Regulatoiry Training