August 14, 2015

Steven Bentley

For the month of September 2015 anyone wishing to take the Safety Management System Overview and Recurrent Training will receive without further charge Root Cause Analysis for Quality Assurance Practitioners. To qualify for this offer please email either or

What’s in the training courses?


Safety Management System Overview and Recurrent Training

SMS is an effective process which is able to gather data, analyze this data determine risk and allow the relevant responsible person to consider the appropriate behavior once the risk is understood.

This course provides for a comprehensive review of the overall effectiveness of your SMS. You will consider SMS best practice and perform a GAP analysis against your organisation system.

The course is specifically designed for those who need to engage with a full understanding and manage, or deliver specific guidance within their own organisations.

An effective SMS understands and provides a solution to address the reality that accidents still occur sometimes with devastating or catastrophic consequences, the reality today is that the major cause of accidents is related to human error which in some way is able to impact the overall process increasing the level of risk and exposure.


– Introduction

– Abbreviations & Definitions

– SMS Overview – ICAO Driven

– Review of SMS Regulatory Obligations

– What is the current Status of the SMS within our Organisation & where are the challenges?

– Internal reporting into our SMS – how effective is it?

– The link between the Safety Office, QA and HF/ CRM training

– Risk Assessment & Root Cause Analysis review status and appraisal

– SMS Developments and the Management of Change

– Our SMS Training Program how effective is it and how to measure?

– Safety Communication within the organisation – How to measure the effectiveness?

– SMS Effective Marketing and Raising Awareness

– Optimizing Safety Culture to promote SMS behaviour

– Data Gathering Techniques – Evaluation of current and future practices

– Review and Assessment of the Emergency Response Planning Process

– Developing our SMS progress and development plan


Root Cause Analysis for Quality Assurance Practitioners

Root Analysis The ability to understand exposure and to analyze root causes are without doubt essential skills for auditors and managers alike.

The purpose of this training is to identify best practice techniques and behaviours to support the delivery of effective Root Cause Analysis

This course is intended to be highly practical and to help the delegate focus on the 5 elements which exist within a finding or issue.

1. The finding – What is the problem?

2. Why is it a problem – What standard has not been met (is it internal or external)?

3. Why did it happen?  – Here we consider Root Cause.

4. What is the consequence? – Risk or opportunity considered.

5. Corrective action disposition – Who, What & When?

The outcomes of such activities play a significant role in supporting the organization to achieve its goals to not just maintain, but to exceed regulatory compliance.


– Introduction

– Abbreviations and Terms

– Quality Review & Delivery of Effective Audits

– Practical understanding of the role of Root Cause

– Identification of Root Cause

– Root Cause Analysis

– Developing Preventative Strategies and the role of Performance Auditing

– Performing and Managing Investigations

– Management Reporting Process


EASAOnline is a service provided by Sofema Aviation Services offering online video training by qualified technical aviation instructors including UK Nationals as well as Russian speaking trainers in the field of aviation.

Online training is an extremely cost-effective method for delivering niche regulatory trainings, typical of the trainings which are offered by Sofema Aviation Services. A fundamental requirement for online training is to ensure that it provides the essential content which is focused on a deep understanding of the subject matter.

At we ensure that behind each training is a practical knowledgeable tutor!

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Quality Assurance, Root Cause Analysis, Online Training, SMS, EASAOnline, Overview and Recurrent