January 18, 2016

Steven Bentley

February 15th to February 19th 2016

Location – 33/4 Rama 9 Road, Huai Khwang, Bangkok, Thailand

SAS has built up a strong reputation for providing effective support and delivering EASA and ICAO compliant regulatory and vocational training for more than 8 years. Providing Regulatory & Vocational training for 1000’s of delegates and 100’s of training courses – Currently we are offering in excess of 150 courses please see here for details https://sassofia.com/regulatory-training-courses/

The training program in Bangkok is running from February 15th to February 19th 2016 and includes a number of “essentials” courses which are specifically designed to update and familiarise delegates with both the fundamentals as well as the latest developments. The courses are written by an industry professional with 40 years commercial aviation experience.

The following training courses are being offered:

EASA Part M Essentials – 1 Day
EASA Part 145 Essentials – 1 Day
EASA Aviation Compliance Management and Auditing Essentials – 1 Day
Safety Management Systems Essentials Overview – 1 Day
SMS Hazard Identification & Risk Management Strategies Essentials – 1 Day

EASA Part M Essentials – 1 Day – 15th February 2016

The Aims of the course are to provide delegates with a general overview of all parts of EASA Part M, to provide a comprehensive understanding of the role of EASA Part M and all its subparts , to update regarding recent changes in the regulations and to understand how Part M relates to Part 145.

EASA Part 145 Essentials – 1 Day – 16th February 2016

The Aims of the course are to provide delegates with a general overview of all parts of EASA Part 145, to provide a comprehensive understanding of the role of EASA Part 145 and considers roles and responsibilities as well as considering the interface with Part M.

EASA Aviation Compliance Management and Auditing Essentials – 1 Day – 17th February 2016

Compliance Management Auditing raises an understanding of the various roles of a quality system within the organisation in particular to focus on effective identification of the need to perform root cause analysis of the discrepancies, and to take positive action.

Safety Management Systems Essentials Overview – 1 Day – 18th February 2016

With SMS we have a set of regulations, which allow Industry to establish best-practice that fits different cultures and place the main emphasis and duty on improving safety performance. This is a very practical 1 day courses focusing on dealing with the challenges of developing and managing an Aviation Safety Management System.

SMS Hazard Identification & Risk Management Strategies Essentials – 1 Day – 19th February 2016

Developing an effective process within the organization to perform Hazard Identification, carry out analysis, and develop appropriate mitigations is a fundamental attribute of an effect Safety Management System. The Strategy we adopt within the organization sets the tone for how effective the process will ultimately be. If we view regulatory compliance as a minimum level, the organization has significant opportunities to develop effective strategies which will not only drive safety behaviours but can lead to significant optimizations across the business.

What the delegates say about SAS trainings?

“Good communication, good style and technique, wide experience”
“Out of book expressions.”
“Lively presentations. Great know-how”
“Everything was up to date and useful”
“Excellent approach & delivery, keeping the attention of the students”
“The instructor shared his personal experience”
“The course is a good guide of how to do my daily job, to follow rules and regulations”
“Very helpful training which help us ensure we meet the EASA requirement as Part 145 organisation”
Everything was perfect – the instructor, the presentation, all”
“The course was entirely useful”
“Fully satisfied with the instructor”
“Examples from real life”
“Made the subject understandable”
“Good timing and very interesting course, good participation”
“Explain Basic Fundamentals well with good examples”
“Excellent Explanation of the differences between Quality Assurance and Safety Assurance”
“The instructor had a wide knowledge and answered all questions”
“Kept my attention throughout the course”

For additional details regarding any of the proposed training courses please see our website or contact office@sassofia.com

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EASA, Training Program, essentials, Bangkok