April 24, 2015

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services are pleased to announce the availability of  Part M & Part 145 Regulatory Training

 Mon 22 Junе, Vilnius, 3 Day, Part M


Followed by Thur 25 Junе, 2 Day, Vilnius, Part 145



Part M Considerations

The primary purpose of this training is to provide a thorough understanding of the Role of Part M in all jurisdictions managed by an EASA Regulatory environment. To introduce delegates to the working of the Part M Regulatory Structure and to enable a full understanding of the operator’s responsibilities, contracted arrangements, Subpart G responsibilities. To provide a full understanding of the new regulations relating to C of A’s and ARCs. It looks in detail at required procedures, responsibilities and tasks.

The Training focuses on the Operators specific responsibilities, In particular the role of Contract and Subcontract organisations. The training considers many concern of the typical issues Including – Back to Birth Records, Importing an Aircraft, Maintenance Program Considerations, Modification Status, LLP and Form 1’s or equivalent.

In addition, to provide a general overview of all parts of EASA Part M and to provide in details an in depth understanding of Subparts C, G and I.

The training is very practical with numerous examples, which are intended to give a workable perspective of how to apply the knowledge that they gain in the workplace and to satisfy the needs of the Accountable Manager responsible for EU Operators, Maintenance Post Holders, Quality Managers and Part 145 maintenance organisations wishing to gain Part M Subpart G approval.


Part 145 Considerations

EASA Part 145 is one of the most mature regulations with its European origins going back some 20 plus years to the introduction of the harmonized FAA / JAA regulation.

Our Training courses are focused on the practical delivery of a specific understanding of the regulation which allows the organization to ensure compliance to the regulation whilst at the same time developing optimized organisational processes.

The Aims of the course are to give delegates a detailed overview of EASA Part 145 regulation.

The training includes many practical examples of Part 145 Implementation and how to avoid potential problems. The training will also promote the delegates understanding concerning both airworthiness and maintenance principles, including a thorough understanding of the Role of Part 145 in all jurisdictions managed by an EASA Regulatory environment as applicable.
In particular the delegate will consider the role of Contract and Subcontract organisations, as well as a deep understanding of the interfaces and responsibilities of the Part 145 Organisation to the Part M Organisation.

Understanding regulations driving the 145 process enables you to make the best business decisions and to ensure compliance.

Sofema Aviation Services offers over 100 Regulatory and Vocational  training courses. For more details please see https://sassofia.com/regulatory-training-courses/  or email office@sassofia.com



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Part 145, part M, Regulatory training, Vilnius, Lithuania