Considerations related to EASA Part CAMO – CAME

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Considerations related to EASA Part CAMO – CAME

July 24, 2024


Sofema Aviation Services considers the requirements related to the introduction of Part-CAMO Compliant CAME (CAMO.A.300 Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition (CAME)) Introduction The purpose of the CAME is to: Specify the scope of work and show how the organisation intends to comply with this Annex; and Provides all the necessary information and procedures for the personnel…

Considerations related to EASA Part CAMO

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Considerations related to EASA Part CAMO

July 22, 2024


Sofema Aviation Services looks at EASA Part CAMO and what it means for our Industry. EASA Part CAMO Introduction With the introduction of Regulation (EU) 2019/1383 amending Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 We have a new structure to consider in the domain of Continuing Airworthiness (CAW). Effective 24 March 2020 we have two specific organisation Part-…

Safety & Human Factor Training Requirements Related to EASA Part CAMO

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Safety- Human-Factor- Training Requirements Related to EASA Part CAMO

July 04, 2024


Sofema Aviation Services www.sassofia.com considers the training Obligations placed on the Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation with the Introduction of EASA Part CAMO. Introduction EASA Part CAMO Implementation Date – 24 March 2020 Following the Implementation Date – each aircraft must follow either Part-M or Part-ML standard, and any person or organization involved in continuing airworthiness…

Introduction of SMS in EASA Part-CAMO Considerations

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HF & SMS - Considering The Role of Violations in our Aviation System

May 24, 2024


Sofema Aviation Services considers the drivers for SMS in EASA Part-CAMO within a CAMO Organisation. What is Part-CAMO Part-CAMO provides requirements for Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation (CAMO): compared with Part-M Subpart G organisation, the main difference is the introduction of SMS principles. Note 1 – Part-M Subpart G organisation may continue their activities with the…