Emergency Response

Aviation Operations Emergency Response Introduction ā€“ New in SAS Portfolio

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June 27, 2019

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (www.sassofia.com) is pleased to offer as part of our growing portfolio of EASA compliant operational & vocational training courses a new 1-day course which focuses on theĀ Development of a Management System requirements related to ERP SMS requirements. The course is: Aviation Operations Emergency Response Introduction ā€“ 1 Day What is the training…

Emergency Response Plan Development

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March 12, 2019

Steven Bentley

The Emergency Response Plan should demonstrate compliance with ORO.GEN.200 and AMC1 ORO.GEN,200(a)(1);(2);(3)(5) point (f) and should be designed to help the organisation to respond in the case of accidents, serious incidents or any other abnormal event triggering a crisis. The number of phases that need to be implemented needs to be established in order to…

Airport Emergency Response Obligations and Challenges

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January 08, 2016

Steven Bentley

Steven Bentley MD of SAS will be presenting and reviewing the above duringĀ EASA AIRPORTS REGULATORY COMPLIANCE, SMS & SECURITY, 3-DAY SEMINAR AND CONFERENCE 5TH TO 7TH APRIL 2016. Are you involved in Airport, Operations, Management, Quality, Safety or Security? Focusing on a practical understanding of regulatory obligations and the challengers to ensure compliance. An opportunity…