January 08, 2016


Steven Bentley MD of SAS will be presenting and reviewing the above during EASA AIRPORTS REGULATORY COMPLIANCE, SMS & SECURITY, 3-DAY SEMINAR AND CONFERENCE 5TH TO 7TH APRIL 2016.

Are you involved in Airport, Operations, Management, Quality, Safety or Security?

Focusing on a practical understanding of regulatory obligations and the challengers to ensure compliance. An opportunity to engage colleagues, customers, peers, from the airport environment as well as to meet and network with the people that matter to support and meet the challenges which support the effective delivery of our business.

With the issue of COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 139/2014 of 12 February 2014 the regulatory obligation of all UK airports has been brought under the direct oversight of EASA. This effectively means that all European Airports now have a regulatory obligation to comply with all identified requirements

Example of the requirements include:


ADR.OR.D.005 Management system
(10) Coordination of the safety management system with the aerodrome emergency response plan; and coordination of the aerodrome emergency response plan with the emergency response plans of those organisations it must interface with during the provision of aerodrome services;

ADR.OPS.B.005 Aerodrome emergency planning
The aerodrome operator shall have and implement an aerodrome emergency plan that:
(a) is commensurate with the aircraft operations and other activities conducted at the aerodrome;
(b) provides for the coordination of appropriate organisations in response to an emergency occurring at an aerodrome or in its surroundings; and
(c) contains procedures for periodic testing of the adequacy of the plan and for reviewing the results in order to improve its effectiveness.

The coordination of the aerodrome emergency response plan, established in accordance with the requirements contained in Part-ADR.OPS, with the safety management system should ensure continuous improvement of the systems and procedures contained within the plan.

GM1 ADR.OR.D.005(b)(10) Management system
Continuous improvement of the systems and procedures contained within the aerodrome emergency response plan may, amongst others, be obtained by:
(a) conducting a review of the relevant parts of the emergency response plan after a full or partial exercise;
(b) debriefing and analysing the emergency response operations after an emergency situation; and
(c) developing new emergency procedures or systems as part of the emergency response plan when new hazards are identified by the safety management system, to ensure, amongst others, the coordination with the emergency response plans of other interfacing organisations.

For further details and information regarding how you may book for this event please see the following. https://sassofia.com/easa-airports-regulatory-compliance-sms-security-3-day-seminar-and-conference-heathrow/


Airport Security, Conference, EASA, Emergency Response, Safety, Seminar, SMS