Human Factors

Aviation Human Factors Training for Trainers – What’s it all about?

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March 14, 2012

Steven Bentley

Steven Bentley on behalf of Sofema Aviation Services is pleased to present an overview of what takes place during our very intensive 2 day train the trainer for Human factors. Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) is one of the few companies who offer Human Factors Train the Trainer or HFTTT but no one is doing it…

Developing Human Factors Training through Train the Trainer Program

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July 11, 2011


The Benefits of in house Aviation Human Factors Training – Developing your own Human Factors Trainers through the Human Factor Train the Trainer Program. Sofema Aviation Services –SAS has been delivering for some time an aviation Maintenance focused Human Factor Train the Trainer Course, If you would like details of the trainings please visit…

Aviation Human Factors Training

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March 03, 2011

Steven Bentley

Currently some 80% of aircraft accidents are attributable to human error, this is a situation which is recognised as rectifiable through the process of raising awareness, implementation of effective process and procedure and effective communication within the workplace. The importance of Human Factors to flight safety was officially recognized by the International Civil Aviation Organization…