Sofema Aviation Services offers in depth Safety Management System Audits

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November 24, 2014


How active is your organisational SMS How satisfied are you with your SMS?   Is it actually guiding safety behaviour within your organisation?  Does your system impact culture and behaviour in your organisation, consider that many audits focus on the compliance of the system with the documentation rather than developing measures of effectiveness.   We…

Connecting Human Factors (HF) and Safety Management Systems (SMS)

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November 20, 2014


How is HF connected to SMS you may ask?   Firstly to look at HF, once we have completed initial training we have a mandated requirement to receive every 24 months recurrent training. Secondly SMS (which should also be a recurrent training) in which we should be trained in accordance with the organisations process and procedures….

Sofema Aviation Services to deliver Safety Management System Training, Vilnius, Lithuania

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October 31, 2014


Returning to Vilnius SAS is scheduled to deliver 3 specific SMS training courses, December 2014.   SMS Introduction Training for Safety and Quality Managers –  December 8th – 9th Safety Management Systems Audit Techniques – December 10th -11th Aviation SMS Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis – December 12th   Over the last several years Sofema…

The Regulator as the SMS Safety Net and the need to be Proactive

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October 20, 2014


How dependent is an EASA or GCAA compliant organization on the effectiveness of the Safety Management System (SMS) Manager?  Immeasurably is the simple answer, with the changes in organizational thinking driven by ICAO and others which we have seen introduced over the last decade or so, leading to the more or less de facto acceptance…