June 24, 2024


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the process to enable approval of 145 Stores Inspection Staff


It is a requirement under EASA Part 145 that personnel performing incoming inspections be authorized by the Quality Manager. This is in line with the regulations governing maintenance organizations to ensure that only competent and approved individuals carry out inspections.

  • According to EASA Part 145.A.30 (Personnel requirements), the maintenance organization is required to have a system in place to ensure that all personnel are competent to perform their tasks.
  • The Quality Manager, or an appropriately authorized representative, typically has the responsibility to ensure that personnel performing incoming inspections are adequately trained and authorized.

Specifically, the regulation states:

  • 145.A.30(e): The organization shall ensure that all personnel are trained, competent, and have appropriate authorization for the tasks they perform.
  • 145.A.35(d): The organization shall establish and control the competence of personnel involved in maintenance, including establishing a procedure to ensure that such personnel are capable of performing their tasks.

This implies that the Quality Manager or an equivalent position must establish and verify the competence of store personnel performing incoming inspections and formally authorize them to carry out these inspections.

In practice, this authorization process often includes:

  • Verification of the individual’s qualifications and experience.
  • Completion of relevant training.
  • Assessment of the individual’s capability to perform incoming inspections.

This ensures that the quality and safety standards required by EASA are consistently met.

Typical Stores Inspection Training:

  • Initial – Store personnel must undergo initial training specific to their role, including training on incoming inspection procedures, recognition of parts and materials, and understanding of documentation and regulatory requirements.
  • Recurrent Training: Regular refresher training to keep up-to-date with changes in regulations, procedures, and technology.

Competence Assessment

  • Practical Assessment: The organization should conduct practical assessments to evaluate the ability of personnel to perform incoming inspections effectively.
  • Knowledge Assessment: Written or oral tests to ensure understanding of relevant regulations, company procedures, and technical information.

Example Stores Inspector Authorization by the Quality Manager

  • Documentation Review: The Quality Manager reviews the training and assessment records of the store personnel.
  • Formal Authorization: Upon satisfactory review, the Quality Manager issues a formal authorization document, which may include an authorization card or certificate indicating the scope of tasks the individual is approved to perform.
  • Record Keeping: The organization must maintain detailed records of training, assessments, and authorizations. These records should be readily available for review during audits and inspections by regulatory authorities.

Next Steps

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Sofema Aviation Services and Sofema Online provides Classroom, Webinar and Online training in support of Stores & Logistics Roles – please see the website or email team@sassofia.com

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Aviation Quality Manager, EASA Part 145, Stores Inspection Training, Regulatory Requirements, SAS blogs, Aviation Library, Stores Inspection Staff, Stores & Logistics Roles, 145.A.30(e), maintenance organization, Stores Inspector Authorization