March 15, 2021


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) presents a structure of key events to build an Aviation Emergency Response Checklist.

Phase 1 Activation

On receipt of notification, obtain details as much as possible and forward the copy of ERP Occurrence Report to On-Site to Ground Handling Agent.

Ensure Ops Control Center has verified the information with both Air Traffic Control (ATC) and Ground Handling Agent (GHA) (but do not delay if verification is not


Analyze the situation and decide whether to activate the Emergency Response Center (ERC).

Call and brief the Accountable Manager (AM) – call next.

Call and notify ERM, assess the level of activation authorized, and instigate call out accordingly.

Activate call-out process for Emergency Response Team (if activated).

Emergency Response Team members per contact list and have all report to the ERC.

Call in additional Ops Control Center personnel if required.

Continue to keep in contact with Airport Handling Agent (or authorized contact) and record details.

Phase 2 Ongoing Management

Ensure ERCC is operational and that the team is in place, allocate duties if required.

Ensure Administration / Log Keeper is in place. OPEN LOG.

Ensure that the whiteboard (containing accident information) is written up.

Start collecting the facts – Put the information on the whiteboard.

Write up details in Emergency Response Center (ERC) on the whiteboard and / or place written summaries on for logging into the Shared Database.

Emergency Response Team Briefing – update the team with the latest details. Outline the plan for the care of passengers, crew, and aircraft, the plan for media, and details of who will go on the Go Team. Relay information to AM in person at ERC, or via a telephone conference.

NOTE: Briefings should be carried out every 30 minutes during the initial hours of activation and the incident log is updated.

Secure all relevant Flight / Flight Planning records for investigators (Make Copies – β€œ2”).

Secure all Technical Information.

Ascertain if the ERM wishes to organize a Go Team aircraft. If so, organize accordingly.

Makeup handover file for the AM and ERM (NOTE: Handover file should include known detail regarding aircraft, flight crew, and passenger status i.e. accident location, flight crew and passenger on board, any injury or fatality, crew last recurrent training, etc.

Human Resources

Liaise with Operations Control Center to obtain flown passenger name list (PNL). Pass to Human Resources.

Activate media plan and ensure first press release in progress Liaise with HR, Flt Ops, and Operations Control Center to ascertain the status of passers and crew. Ensure that passengers and crew are being cared for at the airport or scene of an incident.

Establish a plan for Family Assistance. Consider:

  • Next of Kin Notifications
  • Care of passengers
  • Care of crew
  • Care of staff
  • Once the plan is agreed, disseminate to HR, Flt, and OPS Control Center
  • Confirm media plan

Update ERCC.

Normal Operations to Continue

Continue to run Ops normal program when released and input information to ERC if required.

Consider sending relief aircraft to collect any pax awaiting uplift on aircraft involved in incident i.e. stranded at the airport.

Consider continuation flying program for next 4-7 days.

Phase 3 Go Team & Onsite

If a Go Team is to be sent to the site – appoint a Go Team Lead and Go Team Member(s).

Consider how to handle calls from friends, relatives and media e.g. opening a Telephone Enquiry Center.

Establish contact with contracted emergency service providers i.e. Fire Station or Medical Services as soon as is possible (consider whether to activate or place on standby).

Advise them where you wish their first responders to meet with Go Team Personnel.

Confirm Go Team departure arrangements / details.

Once Go Team is activated, liaise with the Operations Control Center and prepare to brief. Instruct Operations Control Center to carry out briefing once the plan is confirmed.

Liaise with Finance and determine what actions have been taken regarding:

Finance support for next 48 hours (for GO Team, Aircraft Handling, Hotel, Transportation and Food)

Legal protection for crews and crews’ families

Insurance issues (e.g. Single Drawing Rights / SDR)

Arrangements for Go Team support on-site

Review Crisis Communications response and discuss with AM.

Consider on-going website requirements

Ascertain what administration support is required for the Go Team and support as required

Phase 4 Return to Normal OPS

Liaise with the Accountable Manager regarding cessation of the ERP and return to normal operations.

Next Steps

For additional information related to Emergency Response please visit the SAS Download Area:

For details please see or email

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aviation, ERP, SAS blogs, Emergency Response Plan, Aviation Emergency Response Plan, Aviation emergency, Emergency Response Checklist, Emergency Response Center, ERC