December 16, 2020


  • The Role of Social Media to Communicate as Part of an ERP
  • Using Social Media during an Aviation Accident Incident Event
  • Emergency Response Plan & Social Media
  • How to handle crisis communication on social media

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers ERP Best Practice in the age of social media.


Aviation accidents because of their nature and rarity usually attract overwhelming public interest, particularly if they involve fatalities. With social media, news of the event is flashed around the world even before a single “official” announcement!

The advent of social media has brought multiple changes to the way we need to communicate during the development of an incident or emergency.

When we consider the various social media avenues which are open to us and accepting that to deliver effective communications in 2020 and beyond, we have essentially gone past the point of no return – means we have to take all necessary steps to fully engage with social media in all its forms.

All is not “plain sailing” however, because when we introduce social media into crisis management, we add not only a degree of complexity but create also control challenges.

In pre-social media (SM) times communication was essentially focused on press releases as well as a number of news conferences. Post SM we have the need to cover multiple channels with the “real-time” delivery of information. Moreover, we need to be able to actively respond in a timely manner to the messages which are posted in response to our communication.

Roles & Responsibilities related to Communication Through Social Media

The challenge we face related to crisis communication using social media is to ensure the validity & accuracy of the information.

We are all now aware of the descriptor “fake news” and the exists the potential for uncontrolled and widespread distribution of incorrect information from what is to all intents are anonymous and untraceable.

To be effective our communication must be early and ensure the continuous delivery of accurate information in a controlled manner – to ensure that all information is duly authorised for release.

Communication and the Issue of Information

Crisis communication managers must ensure that we achieve the following:

  • To communicate to stakeholders and the public
  • To provide accurate & timely information
  • To minimise the potential of causing harm to the brand (rumours could seriously impact the company’s reputation)
  • Ensure approval before releasing information
  • Continue to monitor particularly for rumours and news which is not correct so that updates may address the errors
  • Employees, unless authorised, must NOT be permitted to post on personal accounts anything which is related to the incident, accident or event

Time is of the essence – means that we have to get “our version” of events “out” as soon as possible – but to ensure accuracy as any incorrect statements will for sure be held against us and could indeed have long term negative consequences.

Note – Best practice should see a strong and effective use of social media for regular business updates, such behaviour can serve to build trust in the medium and means that during an emergency the information will achieve a higher level of trust from the public.

Developing an Effective Social Media Policy

  • Ensure all staff are aware of the rules – should be signed confirmation document
  • Identify who is authorised to post on SM and how clearance is controlled for sensitive messages
  • Twitter is probably the most effective tool to use in an Emergency  – Do you have an account now? (create lists of news channels and airports of the regions your aircraft are flying to and prepare for use with Twitter)

Next Steps

Sofema Aviation Services provides specific support related to ERP Training, Testing & Preparation of Process & Procedures – please see or email

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ERP, SAS training, Crisis Management, Emergency Response Plan, ERP Training, Crisis communication, Aviation Accident, Aviation Incident, Social Media, Social Media Policy