December 16, 2020


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) reviews roles & responsibilities related to legal & finance elements during an Emergency Situation

Considering Financial Activities

The finance department is responsible for all financial matters relating to the incident and should establish a cost code to allocate to the event.

Note – Finance should stand by to assist Contracts & Insurance in their actions

Financial Principal Tasks related to ERP

  • Organize immediate financial assistance and issue dedicated budget code
  • Assist Contract / Insurance in supporting all contracted service activations and any special accounts
  • Support HotAC & transport activities

On-Going Considerations

  • Continue to support the Family Assistance Centre
  • Support the Go Team preparations which may require cash funding or other credit facilities

Immediate Actions – Finance

  • On receipt of call go immediately to Emergency Crises Centre
  • Obtain details from Emergency Response Manager (ERM)
  • Ensure finance for the duration of the incident and allocate special account code for all accident-related costs

NOTE: It is most important that all expenses and financial disbursements related to the event shall be tracked.

If necessary enable cash funds or credit facilities are available to Families of Crew & Passengers.

Consider the following as a possible action (coordinate with Insurance & Legal):

  • Cash advances for passengers and/or their next of kin – in accordance with Insurance protocol.
  • To coordinate with Legal / Insurance team in order to manage arrangements with Insurance Company and seek their guidance & support.
  • Enable any required cash advances for Head Office and Go Team.

Legal & Insurance Considerations

It typically a mandatory responsibility to report all event and status information to the applicable authorities in all jurisdictions in which the organisation operates.

It is important to ensure that within the ERP all necessary contact details should be available for all relevant authorities.

Legal Primary Responsibilities & Tasks

  • Provide legal advice and representation to the organisation and crew.
  • Liaise with insurance representatives to discuss and co-ordinate following the event and to ensure the facilitation of timely actions by local service providers.

Legal Department Principal Tasks

  • Ensure that the insurance broker is notified of the incident.
  • Approve legal content of social and other media releases.
  • Ensure all necessary legal parties are informed.
  • Act as signatory authority for all contracted service activations and set up of any special accounts in conjunction with the finance department, for example, HotAC & Transport including Flights.

Legal Department Ongoing Considerations

  • Monitor legal support for the crew and their families.
  • Liaise with insurers/loss adjusters.
  • Provide support & guidance to the Family Assistance Centre.
  • Provide legal guidance and representation to the crew.
  • Monitor and support all communications and ensure acceptable legal content of social and other media releases.

Immediate Actions – Legal

  • On receipt of call go immediately to Emergency Crises Centre.
  • Obtain details from Emergency Response Manager (ERM).
  • Establish contact with Insurance Broker to discuss a support plan.
  • Establish contact with External Legal Company and liaise with Flight OPS regarding legal protection for the crew and their families.
  • Ongoing Discussions and provision of legal support to the AM and Leadership Team.

Next Steps

Sofema Aviation Services provides specific support related to ERP Training, Testing & Preparation of Process & Procedures – please see or email


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aviation, gap analysis, ERM, Aviation SMS, ERP, Aircraft Finance, SAS blogs, Crisis Management, Aviation Emergency Response Plan, financial assistance, legal advice, legal support, Emergency Response Manager, Aviation Leadership and Management