December 16, 2020


Post Holder Interviews related to the following Roles:

  • Technical Director
  • Base Maintenance Manager
  • Line Maintenance Manager
  • Workshop Maintenance Manager

What Questions Will I be asked during my EASA Part 145 Form 4 Interview?

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the areas where you may be questioned.

Can you explain your key responsibilities?

As a Nominated Post Holder, you are responsible for Quality Control in your business area – this means that you assume overall responsibility for Process & Procedures – The management of Competence and the need to ensure that EASA Part 145 regulations are fully complied with.

(Regarding Key Responsibilities) – Where do you find this information?

EASA Part 145.A.30 contains information regarding Roles & Responsibilities

Section 1 of the Maintenance Organisation Exposition (MOE) contains all related administrative information including Roles & Responsibilities and should be carefully read through to ensure familiarity (but it is not a learning exercise – knowing where the information is available is the most important aspect)

How do you ensure that your responsibilities are met?

In 2 ways – The first relates to Quality Control oversight

  • Self Checking
  • Monthly Follow-ups
  • Shared Management Status Documentation
  • Active Feedback from Teams

The second relates to Quality Assurance Audits – with a low level of findings

Explain how the competence system works. (how would you envisage a good competence system working?)

Can be managed by Production (NPH), Quality Manager, or Human Resources.

Post Holder requires oversight of the process to ensure organisational standards are met.

  • Training Program
  • Individual Record Files
  • Practical Assessment
  • Auditable by QA

How do you control subcontracted maintenance?

We remain responsible for the performance of subcontracted maintenance

  • Subcontract Provider needs to comply with our Rules and Requirements – depending on the circumstances this may require training / technical Interview.
  • Direct oversight is required so it is necessary to assign a certifying staff for the duration of the subcontract maintenance.

How do you control contracted maintenance?

Contracted Maintenance is the responsibility of the Contract provider – however, we require to:

  • Ensure effective communication.
  • Ensure contract to control responsibilities and interface responsibilities.
  • Ensure Quality Audit to accept the Service Supplier.

What is your Organisations Scope of approval?

Information to be found on our Approval Certificate and in detail identified on our MOE Capability list

Where can you do Maintenance?

Continuously at Base Maintenance Sites and Line Maintenance Sites Identified in the MOE typically section 1.9

  • On an Adhoc Basis anywhere approved by the Quality Manager for a specific purpose.
  • Otherwise will need to be registered and approved in accordance with standard procedures.

When is Maintenance Line Maintenance?

So Base Maintenance requires a C Certification and is typically limited to C Checks and Multiples off

All other maintenance is carried out underline maintenance approval so for example an A 2 or A 4 check is line maintenance – but note the requirement for appropriate facilities this check may require a hanger.

Line Maintenance is released by either a B1 or B1 plus B2 together

What parts can you fabricate?

Please refer to this user guide which provides for an excellent understanding regarding fabrication.

Note should also be covered in company procedures and or MOE.

Are you familiar with typical errors and MORs raised against the organisation? Can you recall one and what the root cause and actions take are?

To speak with the Quality Manager and ask to share the 5 most serious incidents from the last 24 months

For each to understand:

  • Direct Cause / Contributing Causes / Root Causes
  • What mitigations where introduced
  • To be able to comment on the effectiveness of the mitigations
  • Finally to be able to comment on which areas in your opinion still present a degree of exposure

Be very aware and familiar with the Regulations & MOE procedures

This document is an excellent cross-reference between the EASA Part 145 Regulations and the MOE expected content.

Do you know the implications of Brexit for your MRO?

  • For UK companies the possibility that they will be treated as third-country – still not confirmed.
  • If the UK is outside of the EASA system then UK Form 1’s will not be acceptable from 1st January 2021.
  • Other issues may become apparent over the coming weeks and months

What are the privileges of your organisation?

Essentially we are allowed to do what is written in our approval document – we cannot engage in other work or activities without suitable authorization from our regulatory authority.

Can you explain the relationship between the MRO, the CAMO, and the Aircraft Owner?

The 145 is at one side of the Story & the Operator at the other, the CAMO is in the middle.

The 145 must be provided with all related documentation by the operator – typically through the CAMO.

A Detailed Contract should be in place with the CAMO identifying roles and responsibilities in particular related to incident & event reporting.

Ultimately the 145 Organisation is responsible for the work it performs and must ensure appropriate certification

Tell me about some of the documents you have to raise, monitor, and manage when performing your role as Post Holder?

Depends on your organisation system – but to emphasize the importance of QC activities and the need for ongoing oversight

Also to use your internal quality system and if in doubt to request an audit from the Quality Manager – view audits as a positive they are a health check and provide an opportunity to get & keep our house in order

Next Steps

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) and Sofema Online (SOL) provide regulatory and vocational training fully compliant with the requirements of EASA Part 145 for additional information please email




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Aircraft Maintenance, CAMO, EASA Part 145, Line Maintenance, MRO, Quality Management, Maintenance Documentation, MOE, Contracting Maintenance, interview skills, Aviation Interview Preparation, Base Maintenance, Maintenance Management, Nominated Post Holder, EASA Part 145 Form 4