December 11, 2024

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the various elements which constitute GACAR Part 145


GACAR Part 145 – Repair Stations outlines the regulations for certificated repair stations under the General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA) in Saudi Arabia. These repair stations are authorized to perform maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alterations on aircraft and their components.

  • From personnel qualifications to safety systems and recordkeeping, the regulations ensure that repair stations maintain high standards of airworthiness, safety, and compliance.
  • The document also emphasizes the importance of SMS and quality control systems in promoting a culture of safety and continuous improvement within repair stations. Overall, this regulation aligns with international aviation safety standards and promotes the safe maintenance and operation of aircraft in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

GACAR Part 145 is structured into several subparts, each addressing a critical aspect of certification, operations, personnel, and compliance with safety and quality standards.

Applicability and General Requirements (Subpart A)

The regulations in Subpart A (§ 145.1 and § 145.5) define the applicability of the GACAR Part 145 regulations. They govern repair stations that perform maintenance, preventive maintenance, or alterations on aircraft or articles under GACAR Part 43. Any organization that wishes to operate as a repair station must hold a valid repair station certificate issued by GACA. Furthermore, these certificates, ratings, and operation specifications must be available on-site for inspection.

Certification Process (Subpart B)

In Subpart B, the document outlines the procedures for applying for, issuing, renewing, amending, or transferring a repair station certificate. This includes:

  • Application for Certificate (§ 145.15): Applicants must submit an application in a format acceptable to the GACA President. The application should include:
    • A repair station manual.
    • A quality control manual.
    • A list of articles for which certification is sought.
    • Details of housing and facilities.
    • A list of contracted maintenance functions.
    • A training program for personnel.
    • Evidence of the necessity of the repair station certificate.
    • A Safety Management System (SMS) in accordance with GACAR Part 5.
  • Issue, Duration, and Renewal of Certificate (§ 145.17, § 145.19, § 145.21): Once issued, a repair station certificate remains effective until its stated expiration date unless it is surrendered, suspended, or revoked. Renewal applications must be submitted 60 days before the certificate expires, and applicants must prove compliance with GACA regulations and pay applicable fees.
  • Limited Ratings (§ 145.27): GACA may issue limited ratings for specific maintenance tasks, such as airframe or engine maintenance on a particular make and model, radio equipment, instruments, landing gear components, and other specialized services like aircraft painting and nondestructive inspection.

Housing, Facilities, Equipment, and Data (Subpart C)

This subpart defines the physical and material requirements for repair stations. Each certificated repair station must have adequate housing, facilities, and equipment necessary to perform maintenance tasks. Key sections include:

  • General Housing and Facilities Requirements (§ 145.39): Repair stations must provide sufficient workspace and segregated areas to ensure articles are protected during maintenance. These facilities must also provide adequate lighting, ventilation, and climate control to maintain the required standards of maintenance.
  • Change of Location or Facilities (§ 145.41): Any significant changes to the location or structure of the repair station must be approved in writing by the GACA President. This includes changes that could affect the station’s ability to meet the required maintenance standards.
  • Equipment and Data Requirements (§ 145.45): Repair stations must have the necessary tools, equipment, and materials on-site to perform the required work. Furthermore, all test equipment must be calibrated to standards acceptable to GACA. This section also outlines requirements for maintaining current technical data, including airworthiness directives, maintenance manuals, service bulletins, and other data required for maintenance operations.

Personnel Requirements (Subpart D)

Subpart D establishes qualifications for personnel at repair stations:

  • Management and Supervisory Personnel (§ 145.55, § 145.56, § 145.57): Repair stations must have a designated manager responsible for operations and sufficient supervisory personnel to oversee maintenance work. Supervisors must be experienced and knowledgeable in the work they are supervising, particularly for workers unfamiliar with specific maintenance methods.
  • Inspection Personnel (§ 145.59): Inspectors must be familiar with the relevant regulations and be proficient in inspection methods, techniques, and tools used to assess the airworthiness of aircraft and articles. Personnel responsible for final inspections must be certified under GACAR Part 66 or an equivalent standard.
  • Training Requirements (§ 145.67): Repair stations must maintain a GACA-approved employee training program. This program must include initial and recurrent training to ensure personnel are capable of performing their assigned tasks. The training must also include human performance elements such as teamwork and coordination with flight crews.

Operating Rules (Subpart E)

Subpart E outlines the operational responsibilities and limitations of certificated repair stations:

  • Privileges and Limitations of the Certificate (§ 145.79): A certificated repair station is authorized to perform maintenance on any article for which it is rated. However, it cannot maintain or alter an article for which it is not rated, and it may not approve an article for return to service unless the maintenance or alteration was conducted in accordance with GACAR Part 43 technical data.
  • Work at Another Location (§ 145.81): Repair stations can temporarily transport equipment and personnel to another location for maintenance work if special circumstances require it. The repair station must obtain authorization from the GACA President to perform such work at locations other than the fixed station site.
  • Contract Maintenance (§ 145.99): Repair stations may contract maintenance functions to outside sources, provided the contracting entity meets quality control requirements equivalent to those of the certificated repair station. The repair station remains responsible for the quality of work performed by the subcontractor.

Recordkeeping and Reporting (Subpart E continued)

  • Recordkeeping Requirements (§ 145.101): Repair stations must keep maintenance records in a format acceptable to GACA for at least two years. These records must be available for inspection by GACA or the Saudi Arabian Aviation Investigation Bureau (SAAIB).
  • Electronic Recordkeeping (§ 145.102): If a repair station uses electronic records, it must ensure that the system is secure and able to produce paper copies when requested. The electronic system must comply with specified GACA requirements to maintain record integrity and prevent unauthorized modifications.
  • Service Difficulty Reports (§ 145.103): Repair stations must report any serious failure, malfunction, or defect of an article to GACA and the organization responsible for the article’s design within 96 hours. The report must include details such as the article’s make and model, the nature of the failure, and the apparent cause of the issue.

Safety Management Systems (SMS) and Quality Control

  • Safety Management Systems (§ 145.93): Repair stations that provide services to commercial operators must have a Safety Management System (SMS) in place, meeting the requirements of GACAR Part 5. The SMS must be acceptable to the GACA President and ensure the safety of maintenance operations.
  • Quality Control System (§ 145.91): Repair stations must establish a quality control system to ensure the airworthiness of all articles they service. This system should include procedures for inspecting incoming materials, identifying unapproved parts, and conducting final inspections before an article is approved for return to service.

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Sofema Aviation Services provides regulatory training that is compliant with GACAR Parts 43 and 145. For questions or comments, please email

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Equipment, Quality Control, GACAR Part 145, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, SAS blogs, Safety Management Systems (SMS), Subpart A - General Requirements (ADR.OR.A), facilities, Aircraft Repair Stations, General Authority of Civil Aviation, Certification Process (Subpart B), Housing, and Data (Subpart C), Personnel Requirements (Subpart D), Operating Rules (Subpart E), Recordkeeping and Reporting (Subpart E continued)