October 26, 2012

Steven Bentley

This paper deals with the an audit performed not of an organization, but the quality system which is supporting the audited organization. The effectiveness of the organisations quality system is a direct  measure of the effectiveness of the organization.

Presented by Steven Bentley Managing Director of Sofema Aviation Services www.sassofia.com

The ultimate objective is to determine that the Quality System is delivering compliance with EASA Regulatory requirements and in so doing to also comply with the organizational procedures which deliver this compliance.

How to do this in a limited time available

1/ A review of the previous years audit system in its entirety is a starting point

a)      How many audits where performed ?

b)      How many findings were identified ?

c)      What were the major findings?

d)      Were all findings closed out within acceptable time frames?


a) The organization is at liberty to set the number of audits it chooses, providing the audit schedule covers the completely the required subject.

For example Part 145.A.25 may be delivered as a single audit or multiple audits, without doubt more is better, as it provides an opportunity to audit in depth.

b) Simple number are not alone a valid indicator but provide a starting point which facilitates analysis of the available data. A Proactive SMS relies on the amount of Data, so too does an effective Quality System.

c) Dealing with the major findings in a pragmatic way is a leading indicator of an effective Quality System.

d) Late closing and unclosed findings gives rise for concern regarding the effectiveness of the Quality System.

2/ Review the Minutes of the last Annual Meeting

a)      Who attended ?

b)      What was on the Agenda ?

c)      What action items were raised ?

d)      Have all action items been addressed ?


a) The attendance to the Annual Review is of significant importance, Post Holders are responsible for Quality Control and as such become stakeholders in the outcome of this meeting.

Non attendance is an indicator of weakness

b) A comprehensive agenda should include a summary of all internal and external audits with an overview of the status of major findings.

The status of the quality system in respect of the overall number of findings and any trends which are evident.

Any other issues or trends information for example from the Safety Management or other reporting systems.

The management review should also identify the progress which has been made in the case of actions which have already been taken and whether or not such actions have been successful.

In detail any MOR or other mandatory reports will also be considered for satisfactory closeout to ensure in each case the appropriate action has been taken.

c)  The ability of the organization to give visibility to any issues identified and to generate as an action is a measure of the effectiveness of the system.

d) To carry out a review that all identified items have been addressed provides confidence in the management of the Quality System.

3/ A review of the status of the current Quality System

a)      How does this years system compare with last years ?

b)      Is the program on schedule

c)      Does the Quality System have sufficient resources


c) How does the quality system measure its resource requirement EASA does not require a manpower plan directly for the quality system but due diligence indicates that determining the specific need is a measure of the effectiveness of the Quality System.

4/ How does the organization manage competence ?

a)      Within the Quality System

b)      Within the organization


a) Without an effective Quality Audit capability the organization will not be able to identify issues which impact its effectiveness and ability to ensure full regulatory compliance

A full understanding of effective processes to manage auditor competence will provide additional confidence in the effectiveness of the oversight process.

b) In November 2011 EASA changed the EASA Part 145 Competence AMC and is now in far more detail.

Taken together with the understanding concerning the number of incidents, which are driven by Organisational Issues and Human Factors, provides a background for a strengthened competence management system.

Sofema Aviation Services offers Quality Audit Training for Post Holders, Quality Managers, Quality Auditors and Regulators, for additional details please visit www.sassofia.com or email office@sassofia.com

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EASA, Quality System