August 20, 2014


The original Proposal was for LROPS to stand for Long Range Operations and ETOPS to stand for Extended Twin Operations. Today According to the FAA ETOPS in fact stands for Extended Operations.
In 1997 Airbus proposed the LROPS to cater for twins ETOPS beyond 180 minutes, and beyond 180 minute diversion for all airplanes with more than two engines.

ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation is introducing changes to annex 6 concerning ETOPS operations (ICAO uses the term ETDO which stands for Extended Diversion Time Operations)
In 2007, the FAA decided not to adopt the acronym LROPS but re-defined ETOPS to “Extended Operations”.
The FAA’s new ETOPS rule covers twins above 180 min and also requires tris/quads to comply with new ETOPS standards when on routes that are farther than 180 min diversion time.

After the FAA issued the new rules on ETOPS, EASA also updated their rules but only for the twins AMC 20-6 on which CAAP 21 is based has not been updated in the last 4 years.

The UAE GCAA has issued CAAP 21 which has been updated in Jun 2014. Identifies that changes affecting aircraft with more than 2 engines will become effective after 2016 and we are currently awaiting the issue of NPA
(a) Extended Diversion Time Operations (EDTO) requiring an approval by the authority on any operation by an aero-plane with two or more turbine engines where the diversion time to an en-route alternate aerodrome is greater than the threshold time established by the State of the Operator as explained in amendment 36 of ICAO Annex 6 dated 15 November 2012.

Despite the entry into force of the ICAO Annex 6 requirements, EDTO implementation by UAE AOC and POC holders will take effect concurrently with the implementation of the aligned CAR OPS regulations to EASA OPS regulations scheduled to take effect in 2016.

The deferral is in line with the EASA which the GCAA rules on EDTO will be based upon.

(b) Prior to its implementation, all steps and processes related to the development of regulations and its procedure will be issued including Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA).

(c) The deferment is applicable to the EDTO requirements as stated in ICAO Annex 6. Existing route authorization like polar operations and non-airways routes remain status quo regardless of number of engines fitted to the aeroplane.
Changes driven by ICAO EDTO may result in significant operational benefits as a reduction in diversion fuel will be permitted.

Sofema Aviation Services offers Maintenance Planning including ETOPS Training as part of its portfolio of continuing airworthiness training courses

For details please see or email

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