March 31, 2020

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services considers the best practice to minimize our exposure to SUPs.


The solution to the problem of Suspect Unapproved Parts (SUP) is for everyone in the supply chain to work together to both detect and ensure the removal of SUPs from our industry.

Please Ask Yourself These Questions:

  • How do you know if Suspected Unapproved Parts have entered into your supply chain?
  • Are all parts and materials adequately documented and traceability to credible sources?
  • What do I do to investigate and if necessary report suspected unapproved parts?
  • Do I know if military parts are eligible for civilian aircraft?
  • When can I use MRO produced parts?
  • Do I have an adequate program and procedures to ensure mitigating SUP’s Risk?
  • Do I understand international processes and bilateral agreements of purchasing parts and materials?

Detection and removal of SUP is a team activity!

Know your suppliers.

Establish robust supplier surveillance procedures.

Ensure your suppliers are rated, have qualified people and a quality system.

Track acceptance data for rejects.

Enhance training for receiving inspection and SUP awareness.

Identifying Unapproved Parts – If it looks too good to be true!
Everyone in the Supply Chain must be diligent in identifying unapproved parts.

The FAA offers the following situations that could raise a red flag on a part being unapproved:

  1. The quoted price or the price advertised in trade magazines is significantly lower than the price quoted by other suppliers of the same part.
  2. A delivery schedule that is significantly shorter than that of the same part when existing stocks are depleted.
  3. The inability of a supplier to provide substantiating data demonstrating the conformity of the part.
  4. The inability of a supplier to provide evidence of FAA approval for the part.

Steps to Take Now!

 Enhance ordering and receiving inspections as a team.

 Inspect parts and documents for airworthiness.

 Request copies of work orders for your records.

 Segregate questionable parts and material.

 Mutilate your unsalvageable parts and material.

 Report SUPs to the FAA.

We are professionals that should be working to provide a safe mode of transportation based on our knowledge and experience. This is projected through our decisions and actions.

People trust us with their lives and the lives of their loved ones every time they fly on an aircraft.

Stand up to that trust – this is your chosen industry – help to keep it safe!

The work you do, and the decisions you make everyday impact thousands of lives – make every day a safe one!

Sofema Aviation Services and SofemaOnline provide a regulatory training course covering the important subject of Suspect Parts within both FAA and EASA Jurisdictions.

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) & Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) Suspect Parts online training course defines the SUPs policy of EASA & FAA; provides procedures to identify SUPs; and outlines investigative techniques which satisfy safety and enforcement responsibilities.

For additional information please see the website or email or

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EASA, FAA, Suspected Unapproved Parts, National Airworthiness Authority, Unapproved Aircraft Parts, Unapproved Parts Notification