September 16, 2024


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the key elements of the EASA Aircrew Regulation EU 1178/2011 and the function of each part.


The EASA Aircrew Regulation EU 1178/2011 establishes standard rules in civil aviation aircrew and ensures the highest level of safety and efficiency in air transport. Here is a summary of the mentioned annexes:

Annex I – Part FCL (Flight Crew Licensing)

This annexe outlines the requirements and standards for obtaining, maintaining, and converting flight crew licenses. It covers various types of licenses, such as private pilot licenses (PPL), commercial pilot licenses (CPL), and airline transport pilot licenses (ATPL), as well as the associated ratings and endorsements. It includes training, testing, and experience requirements to ensure pilots are competent and qualified.

Annex II – Condition for Converting Existing National Licenses

This annexe provides the criteria and procedures for converting existing national flight crew licenses to comply with EASA standards. It ensures that licenses issued by national authorities before the implementation of EASA regulations can be recognized and converted into EASA-compliant licenses, maintaining the holders’ qualifications and privileges.

Annex III – Conditions for the Acceptance of Licenses Issued by or on behalf of Third Countries (ICAO)

This annexe specifies the conditions under which EASA will accept flight crew licenses issued by or on behalf of third countries, following the standards set by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). It includes provisions for validating or converting these licenses to ensure they meet EASA’s safety and competency requirements.

Annex IV – Part Medical

This annexe sets out the medical requirements for flight crew members. It includes standards for initial and ongoing medical assessments to ensure pilots are physically and mentally fit to perform their duties. It covers various medical certificates (Class 1, Class 2, etc.) and details the examination procedures and health criteria that must be met.

Annex V – Part Cabin Crew

This annexe establishes cabin crew members’ training, certification, and medical fitness requirements. It ensures cabin crew are appropriately trained in safety and emergency procedures and maintain their qualifications and medical fitness throughout their careers.

Annex VI – Authority Requirements for Air Crew (Part ARA)

This annexe outlines the responsibilities and obligations of national aviation authorities in overseeing and enforcing the regulations related to aircrew. It includes the procedures for issuing, maintaining, and revoking licenses and certificates as well as the monitoring and auditing processes to ensure compliance with EASA standards.

These annexes ensure a harmonized approach to aircrew licensing, training, and certification across EASA member states, promoting safety and consistency in European civil aviation.

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SAS blogs, Aviation Regulatory Framework, EASA Training Requirements, EU 1178/2011, Aviation Compliance, EASA Aircrew Regulation, Pilot Licensing, Cabin Crew Certification, Aviation Safety Regulations, Aircrew Qualification Standards, Fligth Crew Licensing