April 11, 2022

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) www.sassofia.com looks at the management approach to ensure effective management of the Organization’s Strategic Development.


Strategic Planning provides an approach whereby goals, as well as short-term & medium-term objectives, are identified by the leadership team and communicated at all levels throughout the organisation.

Through strategic planning, the organisation is able to take key decisions concerning the business focus and market objectives, and to support these aspirations the leadership team identifies growth objectives and communicates the development strategies to deliver these objectives.

A corporate strategy can provide each member of the team with a framework that may be used on a daily basis, corporate-level planning can often facilitate improved efficiency as well as identify any organizational restrictions in this way it can serve to deliver a competitive advantage.

Through a strategic appraisal the leadership team is able to gain the necessary knowledge:

  • Where we should strengthen our investment (double down)?
  • Where we should allow a business to continue without further development, and
  • Where we should reduce investment to retrench a business?

What Can Strategic Planning Do for us?

  • To ensure that all available resources are optimized for the best outcome.
  • To enable a timely response to our decision-making process.
  • To drive competitive advantage in pursuit of growth.
  • To focus on the medium-term and long-term aspirations rather than dealing with the day to day challenges.

Strategic Planning in Steps

Starting with a deeper understanding of our current position, a competitive analysis can be undertaken in order to gain an awareness of the various factors which can influence (positive & negative) our proposed strategy. One way to do this is to carry out a SWOT analysis.

Strengths and Weaknesses as well as external Threats and Opportunities. Commonly known as the four factors of a SWOT analysis.

Select your desired strategy (understand that there can be several competing strategies and whilst they can all be relevant it is important to focus on the strongest).

Now you are able to implement the preferred strategies and develop measures and performance indicators as well as implementation timelines to ensure the selected strategies are effective.

It is important to avoid any implementation weakness by ensuring the full backing of the leadership team.

Review & Deviate When Required – Continually review the progress of any changes introduced as part of the strategic review. Be proactive to make any required deviations (mid-course corrections).

Next Steps

Are Leaders Born or Made?

Behavioural Theorists believe that people can become leaders through the process of teaching, learning, and observation. Leadership is a set of skills that can be learned by training, perception, practice, and experience over time. Leadership learning is a lifetime activity.

The Sofema Online Aviation Leadership and Management Skills Development Diploma brings together 15 separate Courses (each one is certificated) on completion of all 15 courses the student is awarded a hard copy diploma.

For additional details visit our websites www.sassofia.com and www.sofemaonline.com or email team@sassofia.com

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aviation, Planning, Aviation Leadership, Management Skills, SAS blogs, Aviation Leadership and Management Skills Development Diploma, Aviation Diploma, Strategic Planning, SWOT analysis, Strategic Development