July 27, 2016

Steven Bentley

Considering the introduction of EASA Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 and the subsequent changes to EASA Part 21 since the issue of 2012 Regulation (EU) No 748/2012.

COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 7/2013 of 8 January 2013 (overview)

Changes to accommodate environmental protection requirements of Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation (hereinafter ‘the Chicago Convention’)

(1) Point 21A.4(a) to subpart A of section A is replaced by the following:

(a) The satisfactory coordination of design and production required by 21A.122, 21A.130(b)(3) and (4), 21A.133 and 21A.165(c)(2) and (3) as appropriate, and’;

Related to Subpart F (Approval without Production Organisation Approval (POA)

(2) Point 21A.130(b) to subpart F of section A is replaced by the following:

(b) A statement of conformity shall include:

1. For each product, part or appliance a statement that the product or appliance, conforms to the approved design data and is in condition for safe operation; and

2. For each aircraft, a statement that the aircraft has been ground and flight checked in accordance with 21A.127(a); and

3. For each engine, or variable pitch propeller, a statement that the engine or propeller has been subjected by the manufacturer to a final functional test in accordance with 21A.128; and

4. Additionally, in the case of engines, a statement that the completed engine is in compliance with the applicable emissions requirements on the date of manufacture of the engine.’;

Related to Subpart F (Approval without Production Organisation Approval (POA)

(3) In point 21A.165(c) to subpart G of section A, points 2 and 3 are replaced by the following:

‘2. Determine that other products, parts or appliances are complete and conform to the approved design data and are in a condition for safe operation before issuing an EASA Form 1 to certify conformity to approved design data and condition for safe operation;

3. Additionally, in the case of engines, determine that the completed engine is in compliance with the applicable emissions requirements on the date of manufacture of the engine;

4. Determine that other products, parts or appliances conform to the applicable data before issuing an EASA Form 1 as a conformity certificate.’

COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 69/2014 of 27 January 2014 (overview)

Operational suitability data

1. The holder of an aircraft type-certificate issued before 17 February 2014 intending to deliver a new aircraft to an EU operator on or after 17 February 2014 shall obtain approval in accordance with point 21.A.21(e) of Annex I (Part 21)

21.A.21 is amended as follows:

(a) in point (c), point 1 is replaced by the following:  ‘1. the product to be certificated meets the applicable type-certification basis and environmental protection requirements designated in accordance with point 21.A.17A and 21.A.18;’;

(b) the following points (e) and (f) are added:

(e) In the case of an aircraft type-certificate, it is demonstrated that the operational suitability data meets the applicable operational suitability data certification basis designated in accordance with 21.A.17B.

(f) By derogation from point (e), and at the request of the applicant included in the declaration referred to in point 21.A.20(d), an aircraft type-certificate may be issued before compliance with the applicable operational suitability data certification basis has been demonstrated, subject to the applicant demonstrating compliance with the operational suitability data certification basis before the operational suitability data must actually be used.’;

COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2015/1039 of 30 June 2015 amending Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 as regards flight testing (Redacted Summary)

(3) in point 21.A.243, point (a) is replaced by the following: ‘(a) The design organisation shall furnish a handbook to the Agency describing, directly or by cross-reference, the organisation, the relevant procedures and the products or changes to products to be designed.

If flight tests are to be conducted, a flight test operations manual defining the organisation’s policies and procedures in relation to flight test shall be furnished.

The flight test operations manual shall include:

(i) a description of the organisation’s processes for flight test, including the flight test organisation involvement into the permit to fly issuance process;

(ii) crewing policy, including composition, competency, currency and flight time limitations, in accordance with Appendix XII to this Annex I (Part 21), where applicable;

(iii) procedures for the carriage of persons other than crew members and for flight test training, when applicable;

(iv) a policy for risk and safety management and associated methodologies;

(v) procedures to identify the instruments and equipment to be carried;

(vi) a list of documents that need to be produced for flight test.’;

COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2016/5 of 5 January 2016 (overview)

As a direct result of amendments to  Volumes I and II of Annex 16 to the Chicago Convention in 2014 by introducing new noise standards. It is necessary to amend (EU) No 748/2012

Article 1 In Annex I (Part-21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012, point 21.A.18(a) is replaced by the following:

‘(a) The applicable noise requirements for the issue of a type certificate for an aircraft are prescribed according to the provisions of Chapter 1 of Annex 16, Volume I, Part II to the Chicago Convention and:

1. for subsonic jet aeroplanes, in Volume I, Part II, Chapters 2, 3, 4 and 14, as applicable;

2. for propeller-driven aeroplanes, in Volume I, Part II, Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 and 14, as applicable;

3. for helicopters, in Volume I, Part II, Chapters 8 and 11, as applicable;

Sofema Aviation Services offers EASA PART 21 and GCAA CAR 21 Regulatory Compliant Training

For details please see www.sassofia.com or email office@sassofia.com

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EASA, Part 21, Regulations, Subparts