October 29, 2020

Steven Bentley

SofemaOnline (SOL) considers the availability of supporting courses to support the role of Maintenance Instructor delivered online through our virtual aviation academy.



EASA Part 145 and its forebear JAR 145 is a mature regulatory environment with nearly 30 years of development within the European Arena.

There is increasing focus being brought to bear regarding the importance of managing competence within the workplace and it is for the reason that both EASA & European Regulatory Authorities are expecting that EASA Part 145 Organisations manage the competence of employees within the 145!


About SofemaOnline

Sofema Online is a virtual online training academy provided by Sofema Aviation Services (SAS), offering a range of EASA compliant online regulatory & vocational courses.

The training courses are designed to be both effective and to help you reach the correct level of understanding in the comfort of your own home or office.

The course content is followed by an online examination after which you are able to print out your certificate.


EASA Part 145 – 147 Instructor Techniques Course – Train the Trainer

This training is specifically designed to support trained and competent “Maintenance Personnel” who have a desire and willingness to become 145 & 147 Instructor, Trainers and Mentors.

If you have a willingness together with Experience, Beliefs, Knowledge, and are able to answer Questions the course will help you to understand how to engage with students.

This course will help you to understand techniques to optimize and deliver practical presentations, To focus on the development of your communication skills and to develop the course material.

For details of the course content please see here.


EASA Part 145 / Part 147 Supervisor & Assessor Training Skills Development

This course has been designed to support the development of EASA Part 145 Practical Training Task Supervisors and Practical Assessors and recognizes the EASA requirement to support the Competence Development of the Task Supervisor as follows:

The Task Supervisor shall be designated following acceptance and completion of Task Supervisor Training. He shall be an appropriately qualified licensed aircraft maintenance engineer employed by the Organisation and holding a Full B1 approval on the aircraft Type.

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EASA Part 145 Maintenance Error Management System & MEDA Training Program

EASA Part 145 Maintenance Instructors typically support the development of Maintenance Error training programs within the 145 Organisation.

The basic MEDA philosophy is based on an understanding that people do not intentionally make errors and that organizational factors play a significant and contributory role.

It is widely recognized that the majority of causal and contributory factors leading to an error can be managed. In addition, developing root cause understandings leads to a wider and more effective mitigation process.

This training takes the understanding of the entire MEDA process to a deeper level so that following the training the Delegate will be able to:

a) Develop comprehensive understandings of the MEDA process

b) Understand effective techniques for training your own employees in the implementation of MEDA systems

c) Undertake Case Study analysis and practice completion of the MEDA Results form and Interview Process


Next steps

For additional information please see www.sofemaonline.com or email onine@sassofia.com.

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Aircraft Maintenance, EASA, MEDA Training for Trainers, Part 145, Aviation Instructor, Compliance Auditing, Aviation Management, Online Training, Management Skills, EASA Part 145/147 Instructor Techniques, Aviation and Maintenance Human Factors, 145 Maintenance Organisation