Aviation Leadership and Management Skills Development – Workshop – 3 Days

Sofema Aviation Service is pleased to present a 3-day program aimed at developing competency in Management & Leadership skills.


Welcome to our comprehensive course on Aviation Leadership. In the dynamic and high-stakes world of aviation, effective leadership is crucial. Leaders in this field are acutely aware of the profound impact their decisions can have, both positive and negative. They possess the capacity to make difficult decisions with far-reaching consequences. This course is designed to help you develop the skills and qualities necessary to navigate these challenges with confidence and poise.
Aviation leaders are visionaries who know what they want to achieve. They have the strength of character to pursue their objectives, even in the face of opposition and setbacks. This course will delve into the importance of resilience and determination, helping you to maintain focus on your goals despite the obstacles you may encounter. You will learn strategies to overcome challenges and leverage failures as opportunities for growth and improvement.
Integrity is a cornerstone of effective leadership. True leaders understand the importance of honesty and reliability, avoiding promises that cannot be delivered and standing firmly by their commitments. This course will emphasize the role of integrity in building a trustworthy reputation and fostering a culture of accountability within your team. We will explore practical ways to demonstrate honesty and set a powerful example for your teams, both in professional and personal contexts.
Trust is another essential element of leadership. Building and maintaining trust requires consistent, genuine actions. Throughout this course, we will discuss how to cultivate trust within your team, fostering an environment where open communication and mutual respect thrive. You will learn how to earn the trust of your team members through transparency, reliability, and ethical behavior.
Dedication to the team and the task at hand is crucial for achieving shared goals. This course will highlight the importance of commitment and relentless effort in driving team success. You will explore techniques for inspiring and motivating your team, ensuring that everyone is aligned and working towards common objectives. We will also cover strategies for maintaining high levels of dedication and avoiding burnout in a demanding industry.
This course focuses on the unique needs and challenges faced by aviation leaders. It will equip you with essential techniques to enhance and develop your management skills, ensuring you can lead your teams with confidence and integrity. You will gain insights into effective communication, decision-making, and problem-solving, all tailored to the aviation context.
Join us as we explore the critical components of effective aviation leadership. Through a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical applications, this course will empower you to become a leader who inspires confidence, fosters trust, and achieves excellence in this demanding field. Together, we will build the foundations of leadership that will support your career and contribute to the safety, efficiency, and success of the aviation industry.

What are the benefits of this training?

a) Awareness of the differences between Management skills and Leadership Skills

b) To understand the opportunities and challenges related to the Development of Leadership Skills

c) Be able to explain the key elements required to ensure Leadership engagement with QMS & SMS

d) Ability to focus on effective identification of root cause analysis

e) Awareness of Effective Communication Techniques

Who is this course for?

It is for Accountable Executives and Senior Managers together with persons who are involved in managing at a Senior Level to oversee and maintain EASA
Compliant approvals In particular, Nominated Persons, Technical Managers, Line Managers and anyone with a fundamental need to develop Aviation Leadership and Management Skills.

Detailed Content / Topics – The following Subjects will be addressed

– Introduction
– Definition and Attributes of Leadership
– What is Competency How to Manage in Self & Others?
– Developing Interpersonal Effectiveness
– Considering the Differences between Management Skills and Leadership Skills
– Aviation Leadership and Relationship with QMS & SMS
– The Challenges of Being a Leader
– Considering Leadership Styles
– Understanding Personal Challenges
– Process of Communication
– Interpersonal and Holistic Communications
– Personal Interactive Skills
– Developing Root Cause Awareness
– Developing Motivational Skills
– Understanding Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
– Team Building, Coaching & Mentoring
– Negotiating Skills Introduction
– Understanding the Different Types of Negotiation Strategies
– Conflict Management
– Assertive Behaviour Learning Process
– Using Assertive Techniques to Deal with Conflict
– Problem Solving and Decision Making Techniques

Target Groups

Accountable Executives, Nominated Persons, Key Business Managers,

Supervisors and Trainers.


General Awareness of the structure and functionality of the Aviation Management Process. Previous Management experience is not required.

Learning Objectives

To focus on the needs of the Manager and Business area owner to respond in an effective way to the challenge of managing a team.

To familiarize with effective communication strategies.

To provide for Practical activities to explore the various techniques used in effective management.

To consider methodologies to ensure full engagement with QMS SMS and awareness of optimized root cause analysis organization element.

What do People Say about Sofema Aviation Services Training?

“This training offers very good explanations of difficult topics.”
“All aspect were useful, the examples were great.”
“This training helped me to develop some new skills.”
“The instructor is very resourceful and intelligent.”
“Having a visual material helps a lot the learning process.”


3 Days – Each training day will start at 09.00 and finish at 17.00, with appropriate refreshment breaks.

To register for this training, please email team@sassofia.com or Call +359 28210806

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