August 13, 2019

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services is pleased to announce an Aviation Training session in the United Arab Emirates
Dates: 7 – 17 October 2019
Venue: Avenue Hotel Dubai Dubai, UAE
Early Bird Discount Available! See here

The following courses are planned:

Maintenance Error Management System & MEDA Introduction – 2 Days
Dates: 7-8 October 2019
Price: 675 USD

The Maintenance Error Decision Aid (MEDA) process was developed by Boeing and is a proven and effective tool, for not only investigating the various causal factors but in also developing mitigations.
This training takes the understanding of the entire MEDA process to a deeper level so that following the training the Delegate will be able to:
a) Develop comprehensive understandings of the MEDA process
b) Understand effective techniques for training your own employees in the implementation of MEDA systems
c) Undertake Case Study analysis and practice completion of the MEDA Results form and Interview Process
More details are available here

GCAA CAR M – CAR 145 Advanced Quality Auditing Techniques – 2 Days
Dates: 9-10 October 2019
Price: 675 USD

Being able to support an in-depth understanding of non-conformities within the CAR 145 & CAR M Environment is part of the mission. Our Detailed Auditing Techniques Training Masterclass’ techniques may be applied in any audit situation including management system processes, determining the effectiveness of existing or client quality & safety audit systems.
The training is extremely effective and is suitable for both regulatory authorities as well as industry. Learn more

Logistics & Stores Inspection Procedures EASA/GCAA – 3 Days
Dates: 13-15 October 2019
Price: 995 USD

The EASA/GCAA 145 Stores Management and Inspection System is an essential element of the 145 approval.
This in-depth 3-day training is designed to provide attendees with:
– A detailed practical understanding of the requirements to Manage and Develop an Aviation Store,
– To provide a regulatory and industry perspective for staff involved in Stores Management and Receipt Inspection,
– Develop the attendees understanding of airworthiness and Receipt Certification principles including -Electrostatic Inspection and more.
See the content and register here

ETOPS (Extended Operations) or EDTO (Extended Diversion Time Operations) – 1 Day

Date: 16 October 2019
Price: 365 USD

The course aims to familiarize current AOC holders and other Operational and Concerned Personnel Maintenance Management & Operations with a detailed understanding of ETOPS Operations Approval and the requirements for an Operator and Maintenance Organisation to remain compliant.
See further information

Engine Condition Trend Monitoring – 1 Day
Date: 17 October 2019
Price: 365 USD

Benefits of attending the training include:
– Developing an increased knowledge about engine on-wing behaviour ​
– Understanding how to ​detect potential failures to avoid/reduce secondary damages
– Provide ​performance prediction and optimum aircraft operational planning ​
– Understanding how to optimize shop capacity planning
Registration & more details are available here

Why Should I choose Sofema Aviation Services for the training?

Sofema Aviation Services a Regulatory training and consulting company with 45 years of commercial aviation experience and 10 years of operational experience. Since we started we have provided certificates to approx 15,000 delegates we have grown for 2 primary reasons!
The first is that we are professional and we listen to our customers. Please visit our download area as an example of how we engage with our customers.
The second is not only the fact that our prices are far more cost-effective than our competitors it is that our discount program leaves all the others way behind – please do not take our word for it check it out! SAS Discount Program

What do People Say about Sofema Aviation Services Training?

“The instructor used the right words to explain the material.”
“The discussions among the group were very beneficial.”
“The instructor showed a very resourceful background and experience.”
“All sections of the course were related to my field.”
“Adequate answers were given to specific questions.”

For registration or further details please visit this page or contact

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MEDA, MEMS, EDTO, ETOPS, Logistics & Stores Inspection, Dubai session, GCAA CAR 145, UAE GCAA CAR M, Engine Condition Trend Monitoring