September 01, 2015


What is an Aviation Safety Management System Cultural Survey?

It is mechanism to allow the organisation to “test the water” so to speak, to understand in the best way what all employees think about the companies attitude to safety as demonstrated by senior and middle management, junior management and supervisors together with the workers themselves.

SMS Surveys provide meaningful visibility and support a culture of proactivity leading to organizational safety and quality improvement.

The Survey may also stimulate conversation and raise awareness regarding safety and quality issues. Cultural Surveys can also be used as a driver to facilitate change management throughout the organisation to deliver a more efficient and effective safety management system within your business

How is the survey delivered?

The survey is delivered anonymously to a significant cross section of the workforce asking a number of key questions which are supportive of the integrity of an effective Safety Management System. By acknowledging or rejecting the statement the employee shares his or her opinion of the statement. So the key to a successful survey is the construction of the questions in such a way that all significant areas of the business that may impact safety in some way are addressed.

What happens to the outcomes of the Survey?

The information gathered is analyzed and processed to enable perceived exposures to be identified, remember that the perception that an issue exists does not in fact mean that an issue does exist. It may in fact be an issue elsewhere for example the strength of communication or a shortfall in the training program.

One major advantage of the Safety Survey is it allows a benchmarking of the current position and offers a foundation on which may be identified a list of “activities or actions” which can be developed to bring improvements to the Safety Management System and its related processes.

The effectiveness of such improvement may then be measured by using feedback from subsequent surveys which allows for the examination of both the cultural impact of safety initiatives and interventions together with the opportunity to consider any trends in safety culture change over time.

Sofema Aviation Services SAS offer a service to support you to deliver the Safety Management System Cultural Survey within your organisation and to collate and identify the data which is collected.
The result is then presented as a list of significant & identified issues which is presented to senior management as a driver for change.

For further details please email


Cultural Survey, Safety Management System, SMS